Barbara Smith

Barbara Smith

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  • Been much less humid down our way this week and it is welcomed.i really appreciate you all sharing your doctor/dentist visits since we have our first in his office checkup next week, and I haven’t felt comfortable about going. I know we need our labs but wish they would send someone here and do the telephone visit. We are both past due on our…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone. Been a little under the weather, but am doing better. I’ve been so sleepy late in the afternoon every day. When I fall asleep I sleep hard and it seems to keep me awake late at night. Gail I hope Gregg has passed his stones. I know they are so painful until you get them out. Something that tiny feels huge I’ve been told. The…[Read more]

  • Adele, the flowers are so beautiful. You were there in your heart. I know you are so proud of the young ones who help so much as they can. And how sweet they all love your pesto they are asking for extra on hand. Jerrys dad always kept extra jars for canning. We had problems finding lids and seals. So we started stocking up in the winter. Our…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone. Gosh is it another hot one here today. Jerry has gotten himself a case of poison ivy on his face, hands and some of one arm. It is miserable but I think is a little better today. i can’t seem to keep myself awake. I really think boredom is causing it. Jerry keeps it like a freezer in here so I get all snuggled down in my recliner…[Read more]

  • Very hot here today. They keep telling people on our local news to stay indoors if possible. We rode into town just to drugstore and post office. In all our years here we for the first time today didn’t see a single car at the post office. Jerry went inside just to see if they were closing our branch. They said no, but please don’t tell the postal…[Read more]

  • Hello to All. Sue, I am sorry for your loss. This has been such a difficult time. I just saw your note today. I haven’t gone to get a haircut in over six months now. There are a few places here doing this, but would have to go to Memphis, and even if I wasn’t concerned about the virus; there is just too much other things going on now. Most of our…[Read more]

  • Adele, I hope each day will bring a sweet memory for you. The er Doctor sounds like he was a very caring soul. And what loving gestures by Bobby and the girls to their mother. Isn’t it just amazing when we let go (either by need to or have to or whatever) that what we didn’t ever expect to happen does and makes us so proud and thankful? Seems to…[Read more]

  • We have had lots of pouring rain this afternoon and evening but nothing bad. We took a short walk before it started and the clouds were just swirling in the sky. Then the rain came. We are to finally clear late tomorrow. Hope the storm is not dangerous where you all are. Colleen, did you get storms? Thinking I heard Missouri is so be safe.
    I too…[Read more]

  • Hope you all have had a good weekend. It has been very hot and humid here. We rode through a small park by the Navy base right outside our little town this afternoon, just to get out a while. It was so nice. I miss interacting with others. But I don’t see going out any more than we have for quite some time to come. We both just don’t think it’s…[Read more]

  • I don’t even know what to say. What a sad time.
    Adele I hope Heather begins to feel better real soon. Those bumps on her tonsils sound painful I know swimmers ear is. I had that as a teenager and Jerry in his twenties. I remember we both were on antibiotics for quite a while. It messed with my equilibrium so I was very dizzy. Poor Heather. But…[Read more]

  • Just want to add that when Dodger is eating his corn, he holds it between his paws and his little front and bottom teeth just pick the kernals off! It is so cute. The corn looks like good corn Gail not mule corn so I think he picks well ha ha We are real southern folks down here and have to have at least one hound laying stretched out on our…[Read more]

  • Beautiful day here. Joey came by before going in town. He likes to “lay eyes” on us and see for himself we are okay. Gosh, I love him for that. He knows that we both have said we are ok in years past and not be so good. Did I tell you that Lisa did all the dishes the other night after they came for the cookout? This is the first time any of of my…[Read more]

  • Gail, what I meant when I said I would like to,live in a warmer area is really live in an area as warm as here but without all the awful,humidity we get here. I just love the changing of the seasons; especially summer into fall, with the beautiful leaves and the cool,crisp days and nights. But we have the thick oppressive heat during our summers,…[Read more]

  • Barbara Smith wrote on Deleted User's Wall 4 years, 2 months ago

    Happy birthday Sue! Hope you enjoy your special day, Barbara

  • Hope everyone had a good Mothers Day. I know everyone shows love and kindness to human and our fur babies and deserve a social distancing hug. I had a really good day. Our internet service went out Sat. morning and they came late this afternoon to fix. I didn’t realize how attached I am to the internet until it went away for a couple of days. I…[Read more]

  • Quiet day here today, very springlike and warm. I thought I heard on the national weather about cold and snow in the north this weekend. We have had so much rain so now lots of bugs. Almost jumped out of my skin today when a lizard ran across the patio behind one of the dog houses. You know what I thought it was. Colleen and I have enough creepy…[Read more]

  • We went to Costo today. I sat in the car and read my magazine while Jerry went in. They have posted on all doors that masks are mandatory for admission. All the employees had them on too inside and out. I was happy to see this. We were able to buy ground beef so we got enough for several meals. I split it up when we got home. They told Jerry that…[Read more]

  • Hello all, and happy anniversary Colleen and Ron! Hope you all have had a great day. It has been so nice here today. Jerry grilled this evening, and that was nice. 50 years is certainly something to be very proud of. It is just mind boggling to me when I think of the last fifty years with so much happening and so many memories. Sometimes I wish…[Read more]

  • I had written you all a real long newsy update and poof off it goes!!!!! I just had to put it up last night; I wanted to scream. Jerry and I are hanging in there. you would think I would be just clinging to him for comfort and solace right now; but he is getting on my nerves so badly since the children have gone. I know every bone in my body tells…[Read more]

  • Hope everyone is doing good. It is an absolutely beautiful day here today following a night of storms. Had terrible tornado in Jonesboro Arkansas last night with such bad distruction. I feel so sorry for all those who were affected. we are not able to find our pantry items any better now. I really hope it is easing up for you all. Most people here…[Read more]

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