Quacker Talk-October 20182018-10-01T09:43:11-04:00

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    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Here we are in October. Another year 2/3’s over. We’re heading into the holiday seasons.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      DD I am so sorry to hear about Kay. My prayers will be with her family. I know you will miss your friend very much.
      Colleen, I hope that you are done with your flu. It has sure lasted awhile.
      Adele, It’s no wonder that you are out of sorts. You have had a rough few months and add that to your worry about Tillie and it makes for feeling bad. I hope you had a nice dinner with Joanne and Al and had some happy memories of Winnie.
      From what the talking heads are saying the FBI investigation won’t really solve much. If they are right it will be back to square one with he said/she said.
      What a mess. It makes you wonder if anyone is honest anymore.
      I’m with Colleen, I’m trying not to watch any sad stories this fall. Sticking to mostly comedies and competitions like DWTS and The Voice. Of course I am still watching Grey’s and am trying out Manifest and New Amsterdam.
      You might like The Cool Kids on Friday night on Fox and of course preceding that Last Man Standing is back we are glad it came back as it was cancelled too soon but it might not be for you as it is Republican leaning. lol
      We didn’t do much this weekend. Went to Jenny’s on Friday night. She is still planning on doing Thanksgiving so I am happy about that.
      Mostly Greg worked in the yard and went over to have the guy pull his boat out and winterize it for him. We’ll see what he decides to do next year as I think he went out two times and it’s hardly worth the money it costs to rent the spot all summer. Hopefully his cheap side will take over and he will realize what a waste of money it is to do that. I know he doesn’t want to but what’s the point if he doesn’t use it. Of course maybe if he’s not working by that time he will think he will go out more. We’ll see

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail I am with you on the FBI investigation. I had hopes for it but since the WH tied their hands with a very limited investigation I don’t think they can get to the bottom of it. But even without that who wants a judge with the angry one minute crying the next temperament. If he cannot control himself how is he to be on the supreme court. Sorry if that offended anyone. But Dr. Ford came on much more beliveable.
      Big news we have sunshine today but don’t know how long it will last. More rain coming this week. Can we not have 1 week with no rain.
      DD sorry about your friend.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Glad you had some sun today. We have been quite chilly. In the 50’s. Some years it seems like summer extends into October but I don’t know if that will be the case here.
      I got our furnaces cleaned and checked today so we are ready to go on that. Greg was so cold this weekend that he turned the heat on. I still have to get the chimney sweep in and get over to renew my driver’s license before it expires.
      The kids have days off this week because of student teacher conferences and now that Adam has different working hours Jenny has to look for people to watch them. I imagine I will have to help out over Christmas break. I have no idea what they will do next summer. I think Jenny should try to hire a high school girl for the afternoons. I would even be willing to help pay for her as I really don’t want to babysit every afternoon all summer. I know she hesitates to ask her ex MIL anymore-but after all they are still her grandkids.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      It is hot here in Tn. again. We had a couple of cooler days and nights; were able to open the windows and feel that wonderful cool Fall air blowing in; smell those good smells of Autumn. Now overnight it has become hot again. We had to turn the AC back on during the day. The picture window in our bedroom faces the west; so the afternoon sun beats on it and warms up our room. It doesn’t bother me as much as much as Jerry; but it seems to be the hottest room of our home. And I surely cannot sleep in a hot room. We do have a ceiling fan right over our bed thankfully and that helps. But I could tell by those few days and nights that the “real Fall” is right around the corner. Sue, I hope you can get a week without rain. I think I am on the unusual group who really enjoy rainy days. I really think it started with my loving to read while it is raining gently outside. But we all need some sunshine so I understand.
      DD I am sorry to hear of your friend. My thoughts and prayers for you and her, and her family. Life is so very precious. I know from all you have shared with us of how much she loved your friendship, and you hers. It is so wonderful to know how much we are cared for. I hope your kitty continues to feel better. He is such a loving companion for you.
      I saw lots of beautiful mums at the garden center today. It was so pretty, yellows, oranges, reds. Just love them. We have a plant called the Burning bush here that has brilliant red foliage in the fall, and I have a few in our yard. They haven’t started to turn yet; so I know it is not quite cool enough yet.
      I saw the new quacker jeggings on today that I think will be the big deal tomorrow. But I had to pass them up even though they are so cute. My legs and hind end are just too big. I just don’t look too good in a close fitting legged pair of pants. Did any of you get you a pair? I loved the new wine like color and also the brown.
      hope everyone is doing okay. Jerry has been having a hard time here recently, and I am in and out of doctors offices with him. We are okay; just have a really hard time seeing him in so much pain. Surely do feel helpfless.
      Adele, hope all is going well. One day at a time. Sometimes it is one minute at a time. Thinking of you all and praying for you. I would feel so blessed to have someone like you; and I know that is how Ms. Tillie feels.
      Take care everyone. Colleen, tell that old flu “Off with you” Enough of this already. Hope you are better. Barbara

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Just a quick note. I asked management if we could have a memorial for Kay. He had no problem with it. So, I got in touch with the resident coordinator & it’s set for Wed. afternoon, followed by an already scheduled lasagna cookoff. Perfect timing.
      I want to thank you for all your prayers, & kind comments. Its been hard the past few days. It’s gonna seem strange not being able to go down to her apt anytime & visit. Nancy, gave me Kays quilt that her sister made for her, as a thank you for all I did for Kay. They were so appreciative for all I did for her.
      Well, that’s all for now
      take care & have a great week!!
      dd & Jewell

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Well we had one day of sunshine. Now it is pouring down rain & we are under thunderstorm & (don’t tell Adele) tornado watch until 11PM. We won’t get a tornado as we never do some say because of the mountains.
      I was with Greg on Sunday but I was determined not to put the heat on yet so I made use of the oven with cooking & baking.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      I saw that Pennsylvania was due for storms on the news this morning. I hope no tornadoes develop. We had storms last night but today is just gloomy. It’s been quite a difference from the usual cool dry autumn. I always tell Greg he is a wuss! lol He likes the 90 degree weather.
      It’s funny ever since the guy came and checked and cleaned the furnaces neither of them have gone on. I have them set at 68 and I guess it’s just been either right at that temp or a little above ever since. The temperature is supposed to vary wildly the next week. That usually will make for storms. I just wish it would pick a temp and stay there.
      What did you bake this weekend? I don’t really notice the house being any warmer when I cook. Maybe because it is a big kind of open area and the heat just dissipates.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      DD, You will cherish that quilt always. I’m glad that you are getting to have a memorial service for Kay at the apartment building. Will the family have a service somewhere else too? I’m glad you have Jewell to help you through this. Our pets can be such a comfort.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      We have one of those bushes that turns bright red too. It is no where near that color yet. I wonder if our wet weather is affecting it. It really does turn a vibrant color.
      I saw those new QF leggings too but I am not getting them. I already have enough pants for the time being. It sure seems like they did not have as many fall and Halloween shirts this year as they usually do. I also noticed that most of their “big Deals” have been on QVC2 recently. I guess because they are kind of a niche market like Kirk’s Folly-although there is a Quacker show on right now and a Kirk’s folly show on tonight-and then both have shows on QVC2 tomorrow.
      I’m sorry that Jerry is in so much pain lately. Chronic pain is so wearing on both the body and the spirit.
      How is little Colin doing? How are the newly weds?

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hot here again today. Jerry is visiting his Mom; and I felt bad for not going too. I am in a “mood” today; Joey and Lisa dropped Ruby off earlier; and Lisa didn’t even look up from her I phone to even wave. I stood at the kitchen door just waving like a monkey, and finally Joey said, Mom, she’s mad, she has been paying my car insurance on a credit card (something he never did) and he just found out; she had insisted she manage both their bills, and he was mad; so on it goes. I said son, I can’t even give an opinion, but let dad and me know if there’s anything we can do to help you all. I just feel so sorry for them both. My heart breaks thinking they are not “in love” as I pray they are. So I will worry in silence and pray for them. So it’s kind of funny you would ask about them today. Life is so short and so precious; why can’t we just all be happy and loving? It does break your heart to see someone yhou love hurting.
      There is happiness. Our little Colin is becoming such a big boy. He absolutely LOVES to dance. He plays his little music thing we sent him everytime we facetime; and just dances his little butt off. He really has the moves too. We will say “get it Bubba” and he will swing those little arms and wriggle his hinny. He does what sort of looks like a wave with his little body, and during one of his dances he stopped right in the middle, ran over to the phone, pulled his shorts legs up and said “boo boo” and showed us little scrapes on his knees. Course, we melted. We love him so much. Sarah answers our questions when we ask; but doesn’t “volunteer” any additional information. ha ha We just keep laughing and talking to the baby and making absolute fools of ourselves. He will go get his book we sent him and get in Neals lap and read to us. He has learned quite a few words. We are SO anxious for April to get here so Neal will transfer to Ashville. It is so beautiful there and they are looking for a house to rent so the baby will have a back yard to run and play in. It is a very expensive area; a resort type of city, but lots of art galleries, local artistic talents, museums, and of course The Biltmore Estate. Neal already plans to take Colin fly fishing and for them all to canoe. He loved those things as a child. I have a “feeling” that Sarah will be pregnant again before they make the transfer. She is 33; same age as Neal. THey haven’t said anything; but would be shocked if they did beforehand. I think she wants a little girl, so we will see if I am right. There are not enough words to say how grateful Jerry and I am that Neal keeps us in touch with him and the baby like he does. I thank God for what he has done.
      I feel like you Gail about the quacker tops. They are still pretty, but it just seems we had so much to choose from a few years ago that I would have to write down numbers and I would star the ones that were just can’t do without, and now, there are many with sprinkles of sparkle but not so much of the embroidery, scenery, dangles (I am thinking of my Christmas sweater with the bulbs on it that light up. I have lots of the scenery ones too. Bet you all do too. I know the style now on pants is tighter in the legs; but just not for me. I love to be comfy, so I need a little breathing room. ha ha Mabey I just need some slimmer legs.
      I haven’t put out any fall decorations yet. You know I usually do a hay bale with the mums and a few pumpkins scattered about. Last year I used a pumpkin that Jerry had gotten me years ago and put a candle with a timer inside and just loved it. I had to put it up high on the bale between two pots of mums, and since we live so far off the road I doubt anyone could see it but us, but I loved to look out of the kitchen island window and see it glowing out there. I think I will add this beautiful harvest flag I saw at Big Lots. I know you like to shop there too Colleen.
      I love watching the baking shows. There is so much talent in baking. Makes my cakes look even more goofy, but they surely do taste good. ha ha Seems like the ones that I make that are the ugliest taste SO good ha ha
      Take care everyone. I am glad DD that you thought of the sweet idea of a memorial service for your friend. I know she loves you and thanks you for what you are doing. I bet sweet Jewell is so loving to you now. I know our little kitty just seems to “know” when we are upset or not feeling well. He and Ruby are asleep right now on our sofa, right next to one another. She is a bull dog, and she lets our kitty sniff her nose. Animals are truly what we humans make them if they are aggressive. It just hurts my soul to see these poor doggies put down so much because people are just afraid of certain breeds. I am surely not saying we all shouldn’t be cautious around any animal we don’t know; but lets just give them a chance. Oh yes, I meant to tell you all that my BIL told us that they have been having an outbreak of armadillos in their area (around Nashville) and she said that they said on the local news that the armadillos have been found to be carrying Leprosy. I thought that disease was gone. I just wanted to pass this along, because I hadn’t heard this; so check and see if this is being said in your areas.
      Take care everyone. Hope Ms. Tillie is feeling better. How is her appetite? How is your Mom, Colleen? Jerrys Mom is doing good. She had another UTI; but thankfully the antibiotic helped and didn’t make her stomach upset. She only had about 6 teeth, but somehow chews pretty well; so we haven’t had to go to ground up food yet. We took her on a short day trip a few weeks ago; and had a wonderful time. Hugs to Everyone, Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Thank you for always setting the new chat for October. I do not know what we would do if you were not here to change it. Thank you again.
      Did you watch DWTS last night. It was pretty good. I have not watched it tonight yet will after I get off of here. I feel so bad for the girl that is blind she does make mis steps and it is hard for her. She did pretty good with the fast dance that they did and held her own. She has a good partner. I cannot think of anyone that I would like to see go home this time around. I think that I like all of them. They seem to be good dancers. I agree with the judges that they all did better last night and that it usually takes longer. I am interested to see who goes home tonight.
      I guess that we are having Thanks giving here. We were supposed to go to Melissa’s but Ron said that we can’t this year. So I think that they are going to his brother’s. So that will be nice he does not see his family that often. It is nice that Jenny is having the holiday at her house. That will be nice that you do not have to cook.
      That is a shame that Greg is not having as fun with his boat now. It does seem to be a waste to keep it when he never goes out in the boat. The up keep for them are really expensive.
      We are supposed to get that rain that you had here. It has been in the 90’s today and we are supposed to have a cold front come thru. This is the same crazy weather that we have every year at this time. I am ready for snow.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I think that you would like the jeggings they are really comfortable. Believe it or not they make you look thinner. I just always wear a tunic top with them to cover up my backside though. I have a couple of them that are not Quacker but just store bought. One of my daughters got me to get a pair. I just wear these around the house. In the winter when it is cold they are really warm and keep my legs from getting cold.
      You were smart to stay out of it with Joey and Lisa. They have to work that out together and no one can help. It is sad when you think that the kids do not love one another and are married. I hope that they can learn to love each other. One thing that I know from my girls they are moody. If they are in one of their moods then you might as well forget about them being nice.
      Your Colin sounds so cute. How cute that he brings a book for you to read to you. Wow he is really smart if he already knows words. He sounds like our ALiza she loves to dance also. They would be one dancing pair. It is funny to see them shake their little booties. Does he like to sing? She loves to sing also and play her little guitar. She is such a character.
      The place that Neal is moving to is it closer to you and Jerry? I hope so it will be nice to have them living close to you again. Then you can go and see the baby and spend time with him. That will be nice if they have another child. They never know though it may be another boy. Life has not guarantees.lol
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
      p.s. Mom is doing really well.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi DD,
      That is so nice that they are letting you have a memorial for Kay. The lasagna will taste good after the ceremony. I hope that it all works out really good for you.
      The quilt that the gave you is really nice. I hope that you enjoy it. It was so nice of them to think of you like that. Kay is up there smiling. She is probably really happy that they gave you the quilt.
      There is not a whole lot going on here. It is so hot and we need some cooler weather. It cannot make up its mind. We are in the 90’s again and are supposed to have a storm and a cool down. I hope that they are right.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey everyone
      I was somehow signed out, so I missed a lot of posts. I will try to answer all, and if I missed something, please let me know.
      I am with you on the FBI thing- I hope they did get enough info to make some sense out of everything.
      I also wonder if Greg will keep the boat. It is hard to let things go you know you cannot use as you thought you would. I call it “coming to terms with our ages and limitations”. I did that with all my pretty Breezies bras. I am going to sell them on Ebay, as the shoulder is not going to get better, and I will not be able to reach to hook any bras in the back.
      Thank God Jenny will do Thanksgiving. It would be awful for you, the kids, and Greg not to have the holidays like you used to.
      I love the spider cookies. I could do those, if I get the energy, as I make whoopie pies, and that is the base for the body on them…..LOL
      You do not offend at all. I agree, and I hope they can get enough info to satisfy the questions on all sides. I also agree he does not seem to have the temperament for a life appointment on the Supreme Court. His rant that the Democrats want him out, as well as the Clinton’s did it for me. Also his temper, that he couldn’t control. no matter what was thrown at him, that was not acceptable for the position he is going for. You have to be impartial. I don’t think this man can be, as he all but threatened people things that go around come around. Seriously?? To me, that means he holds grudges, and will use his votes to do so. Not good. A Supreme Court justice is the last place people go for a decision on their lives, and this country. They have the final say.
      I can’t believe you are getting so much rain. good God! I hope your joints are nto screaming by now. We have had on and off rian the last few days, and my neck is not good. I re-scheduled the doctor for me today, as I just could nto get dressed early today.
      I hope you didn’t get any tornados. I didn’t hear it in the weather report this morning, so I hope you are good. We had our heat on yesterday am, just to take the chillout of the house. I also baked a Zucchini Bread, and that warmed the house up too. everyone who came in, said the house smelled great….LOL What did you bake the other day?
      I answered you on the wrong page…..LOL
      I got the results from the ultrasound- all they saw was a minor fatty liver- no real issue. It can be controlled with diet, and I can’t do a lot of fats because they give me a tummy ache. Even when we get Chinese, I get the white rice with my food, and the steamed ravioli, teriyaki beef, and boneless ribs as my appetizers. (they are all grilled) Once in a while, I get an egg roll, and they sometimes bother my belly too. I hate their chicken fingers, as they are all batter, and no chicken.
      Tillie is nto great. the pain is always there, and at night it is worst. After many calls yesterday, the doctor wants her to go back to the ER, for another work-up, and pain management. He said she has too many issues going on, and is nto comfortable doing any pain med, even a prescription Motrin one.
      She is refusing to go, and begging me to let her die at home. I have an answers anymore, as I am powerless to get anything for her. I told her to take 2 Alleve from now on. If the pains get a lot worst, we will have no choice but to go back to the ER.
      I am so glad you got the quilt from Kay. What a nice thing for her sister to do. You will have comfort with her beautiful quilt that kept her warm, while she was so ill.
      I hope you have a good time at the Memorial today for Kay. I will be anxious to hear the nice things all your neighbors say about her. I hope your buddy Critt is there, as I know he will make you smile. You are in my prayers, and always will be.
      We went from the air on one day, to the heat one the next. It is weird, for sure. Fall is supposed to be cool, with those great FAll smells, and not humid….LOL It is overcast here again today. No sun yet!
      What is up with Jerry? Is it his back? Will they do the shots in his back,so he can get some relief? I know that when they do nto work you are headed for surgery. I hope he is nto at that point. We will all pray extra hard for Jerry.
      You are right. It is one minute at a time over here. I have been so down. That is just not me. I am always trying to find the positive side. Between the friends who died, and Tillie, I have not had a minute to get over one, to move on to the next. I have to get my shit together…..LOL Sorry if I offended anyone, but no other word seem to fit today. I need to give myself a one day pity party, and MOVE ON. I also need to get into the shower, as I have not yet today. I think I am afraid I will cry in there….LOL
      I hope Jerry found his mom feeling better. Those UIT’s in the elderly are awful. I really thought that was what Tillie had, but, I was wrong. he is such a good son.
      that’s fabulous how you two are having so much fun with little Colin. I bet you are counting the days until they transfer to Georgia. how long of a drive is it, from where you are? I am thrilled they will be so much closer to all of you.
      Tillie is not so good. It is the constant pain in the right back, going to the front. It is better,and worst, during the day and night. I am trying to get her to take 2 instead of 1 Alleve’s, as that is all I can do.
      I hope your weather is nice Fall weather….still not sunny up here.
      I totally agree on the Quacker tops. the old ones had so much more detail, and the sequins were gorgeous.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      That is good that it is a fatty liver. It will be easy to take care of. I am like you any fatty food really makes me sick. So I do not eat any or very little of it. I do not blame you for not giving up chocolate. I would not give it up either. I just have to eat the sugar free and that is better then nothing. I am glad that it is no more then that.
      Poor Tillie.I wish that she would take two of those pills and see if it will help her pain. They should have something that they can give her that will help. They should have shots or something. They should not leave her in that much pain. We will all have to pray that they do something for her and she does not have to leave home.
      I agree with everyone about the quacker tops. There are not that many that have a lot of design. They did have some Christmas tops that looked really good. They had the Christmas tree with all the animals around it and that was really cute. They had a couple more in that group that were really kind of cut and had a lot more work on them. It was embroidery and a lot of it. That was about it though. They are still showing a lot of the old stuff.It seems old to me.
      Well that is about all from here. Oh I forgot. How do you like dwts? I think that Danelle danced really well last night and they voted her off the show. That is so weird how they do that. She finally found that she could do it and they vote her off. Maybe they had too many hand offs on that dance and it did not work well for people. I thought that she did pretty good.
      That is all from here. Have a great night. You are all in my prayers.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hello friends. I know you all have so much going on in your lives right now that you may not get a chance to read this. I go weeks sometimes before I can try to catch up. Hope Ms. Tillie is having a good day. Hope your flu is gone Colleen. That stuff makes you SO sick. I am almost afraid to go out in any crowds. I use so much hand sanitizer its pitiful. Jerry is worried about his mom since there are a couple of sick folks out her way. It is just that time of the year when it is starting. Seems like when the little ones have to go back to school that is when it begins. Our little one has a cold too. We are praying he doesn’t get any worse and his mama and daddy stay well too. Gail, how is your Brent doing? Was he able to finish wearing his monitor? When will they go over the results? Sorry for all the questions. I am praying whatever started this is something that can be easily fixed. And I know he wants answers.
      I am talking with the doctor Jerrys next visit about getting him measured for a brace for his back. I want to ask about having a pain pump inserted in his back; but he just has a fit everytime I bring it up. Taking away a mans pride is a terrible thing to have happen and this is what I think causes him as much pain emotionally as the physical pain he feels. And the doctors have told him that there is nothing else they can do for his back. It’s like they just expect us to say, well bless their hearts they really tried and its not their fault. I get so mad. I want to scream at them, is this what you would say to your family or is it just because its mine, and he’s the one hurting so badly and not you or yours? But he just won’t let me go off. He is convinced that if he causes any problems that they will just not help him at all. I really feel so sorry for him and everyone in pain.
      DD, our kitty has a new “trick” He at 10 pm each night (within one or two minutes exactly of that time) jumps up on the bed, sits right in the center of my husbands chest, takes his little paw and keeps touching Jerry until he reaches over to his treat pkg. and gets him out 3 little treats and puts them on the bed between us. He will get down, eat those three treats, wash his face, we pet him for about minutes, and off he jumps to his bed which is on our floor right next to our dresser. We are always in bed around 9, but we just can’t seem to drop off to sleep as early as we used to. It is so funny since he is like a little clock. They surely have their routines, don’t they? I bet Jewell has her little tricks too. They bring us so much company. Sue, how is Cuddles feeling? She is a beautiful doggie. Does she do special tricks? I worked really hard for years with one of our doggies, saying to him “I love you” and finally one day I was coming in from work and he was meeting me as always, and said “I love you” and several members of the family heard him. It was a little garbled, but was definitely what he said. You all probably saying, okay she has lost it, but its true.
      Hope you all are having a good day. Thinking and praying for you all, hugs, Barbara

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I am waiting to hear back from Brent. I emailed him a few days ago but haven’t heard back yet. I don’t like to call as he works weird hours and I am always afraid of waking him up.
      I wonder if it would help Jerry to see a different doctor just for a second opinion and some new eyes on the problem. It’s horrible to have to live in chronic pain.
      I’ve learned that you have to be your own advocate and sometimes push the doctors for other alternatives. some are just too comfortable doing what they always do and don’t know how to think outside the box.
      I’m with you on the hand sanitizer especially since I can’t take the flu shot. There’s always one or two bottles in my purse.
      Who knew that armadillos carried leprosy? Interesting. There are none in our area-too far north.
      I didn’t know that Neal was moving in April. Instead of being west of you he will then be east of you but at least NC is closer than California. I have heard the Biltmore Estate is especially gorgeous at Christmas time. It’s on my list of places that I would like to see.
      I hope that Joey and Lisa will have a happy life together despite your misgivings. I will pray for their happiness. That’s all we can really do in situations that we have no control over.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I hope you can get Tillie back to the doctor. She really needs to have that pain assessed. I am sorry that she is refusing to go. It would make things so much easier on you if she was cooperative as I know you are worried half to death. At least if you knew she was being tended to by professionals your mind could be a little more at ease. You are not having a pity party-you are just dealing with a lot of stress. You know we are are always willing to listen and try to and give you a much needed laugh too.
      I’m glad the tests just showed the fatty liver that can be addressed with diet. One less thing to stress about.
      I thought those spider cookies were cute and very doable with already made ingredients. You just have to have a store that carries those Halloween oreos.
      I babysat yesterday afternoon as the kids had an early release. The last couple times I did that I had some really good conversations with the kids.
      Yesterday Piper was telling me about the makeup that she wanted for her birthday and when she was done I said “Oh cool!” and she said” do you really mean that or are you being sarcastic?” How does a five year old know what sarcasm is? I was flabbergasted.
      They had student teacher conferences yesterday so I’ll get the report from Jenny today. I’m sure they will be fine. The teachers always used to tell me what nice kids we had. It made you feel good.
      I hope things are going better for you today. Tillie is in my prayers.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      We are supposed to be rainy here all weekend. It’s so dreary. It’s a good thing that Greg will be rehearsing all weekend so he will be busy. Otherwise when he is home and the weather is bad he’s just like a little kid that wants to go outside and play. So he’ll be inside rehearsing anyway.
      I’m glad Melissa will have Stephen’s family to visit for Thanksgiving. It’s nice to have someplace to go.
      You’re welcome about starting the new monthly thread. I don’t mind doing it at all.
      I did watch DWTS. I guess none of the phone votes counted as there was some glitch in the process. It didn’t surprise me that the blind lady went home. She was having a hard time which is no surprise as learning dances seems to be a very visual process. She was very brave for trying and I give her a lot of credit.
      Are you going to watch the kids DWTS on Sunday? I haven’t decided yet whether I will. I wonder how many more weeks the regular one will be two nights. I like it better just one night a week.
      I hope that you are feeling better.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I didn’t get to watch DWTS this week- hope to catch it next week. Tillie watched it. She loves that show.
      Tillie did start to take 2 Alleve’s as of yesterday, 2 times a day, 12 hours apart. She said it helps, and makes the pain bearable. It is like a constant back ache.
      I had the 3rd and last shot in the kee today. After, we went to have a dish of ice cream from Dairy Queen. We sat in the car with it, as my knee was sore. It was a beautiful day up here today. Heather stayed with Tillie while we were out, and her PT person was here when we left.
      You will not believe this. Taking a shower today, I pulled my back a little. It is sore, and not too bad. It will go away in a few days. I think I am so tense from all the stress, all my muscles are like the strings of a fiddle….LOL
      I didn’t see any Christmas tops. When were they on? I think I have been missing a lot lately.
      How has your back been? Your Mom? Ron? The kids, and grands?
      Hope you have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Barbara
      I am so confused about Jerry. Why can’t they help him? Why no shot in his back to relieve the pain? That’s just awful. I feel so bad for him,a nd will say an extra prayer for his pain to decrease.
      Please read the post to Colleen for all my news of the day.
      I forgot to tell Colleen about yesterday. All the kids were here, and Heather, and Tillie had such a good time. Only Steph and the boys were missing. They made her laugh, and we got her favorite- Panera- cheddar broccoli soup, a goodie for after, and her favorite bread to keep in the freezer. She asked for corned beef for her bread tonight. She is tootired tocomeupstairs, so we left her corn beef (the leanone) downstairs. If she can get up here tomorrow, I will make her favorite- popovers.
      The weather here is perfect Fall- sunny, cool, and that gorgeous fall smell in the air. MAybe we can all sit on the deck tomorrow. that woudl be nice. We shall see.
      So, our favorite show is on tonight- Blue Bloods! Yahoo!!
      Hope you have a good night. that is hysterical about your kitty. she must be a hoot!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG Gail!
      I did nto realize they were oreo cookies….LOL LOL
      Please read the posts to the girls for all the info of the day, as my poor back is hurting writing these. I need to getinto the chair….LOL I can’t believe the stupid little things I do that cause me grief- one reach for a cream, and bam!
      I hope DD is ok. I haven’t seen a post form her, but I do have 2 more to read. I feel so bad she lost her friend. They did their holidays together, and I hate to think of Dd alone.
      I hope you get good news from brent soon.
      Your Piper is hysterical. I would love to have seen the look on your face when she said that.
      Tillie had such a good time with everyone yesterday. There were even some funny talks about s-e-x. heather told the girls she and their father would only have sex behind the couch, as she was afraid the kids would hear them. then Tillie added that she and my Dad would not have sex until I was out. So, I said to her….”so you had no sex for 15 years, until i was allowed out with friends???” Amanda, Marissa, and Enzo were gagging, and I was hysterical. It was really good to laugh with her.
      Hope you had a good day, and were able to get a good laugh in to!

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,

      Well, it’s pouring down rain today. Typical Oregon fall day. We need the rain tho, so I’m not complaining. It’s a fast moving system & will be out of here overnight. It’s supposed to be a nice weekend, getting warmer next week.
      I hope this finds everyone doing fine. I hope Tillie’s doing better now. I haven’t read most of the posts so if I leave someone or something out don’t feel offended.
      I’ve been putting up some fall décor even tho I haven’t been officially cleared. I’m done with it myself.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Here I go again. I’m getting “the stare” right now from the kitchen. She stares me down till I get up & get her something to eat.

      Well, I got a new piece of furniture this week. I’d been wanting a recliner, but they are so expensive. Well, Hallie, & her husband Dan told me they wanted to get one for me for Christmas. I got online to a site called Offer Up. It’s a site where you can put things you want to sell. I scrolled through & found this reclining sofa. I had Hallie look at it. They went to see it & it turns out it belonged to an elderly couple & their grandson was the one selling it. It looks brand new. No stains, no tears, or rips. They didn’t smoke or have pets. I’ll be sending pics of it.
      I’ve noticed that when I come back from the inspection I don’t smell anything so I know he hasn’t sprayed.

      I was naughty today. I got on the Q & found 6 easy pays on clearance thru Monday. I found several items with easy pays of $2.00, or so. That’s not a mistake. They have clothes, jewelry, shoes, décor, you name it, it’s there.
      Well, I guess that’s about it from here.
      take care & have a great weekend.
      PS: Adele, I sent you something that should cheer ya up. IT’s on messenger. ENJOY!!
      dd & JEwell

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I agree with Gail. Jerry needs to get a second opinion. There has to be something they can do for the pain in his back. Why can’t they give him the shots in the back. Or put him on some kind of pain medicine. There are all types of things that they can do. I would get that second opinion.
      Your cat is so cute. Why can’t we have a sweet cat like that staying with us. If that cat jumps on us we know that he is going to bite. I wonder if we bite him back if he would stop. No I would not want all that cat hair in my mouth. You would think that there is a way to teach that cat to behave. He is just mean. I wish that we could get rid of him but it would break the girls hearts. I know one thing that cat is leaving with them when they leave. There is no way that we will keep him.
      I think that dogs can say some things if you say it to them enough times. Animals are smart. We had a dog that would make all kinds of noises like he was talking to us when we would sit on the deck. If we came home she would run to the car and start with the noises like she was telling us hello. Either that or where in the heck have you been I’m hungry.
      I will be praying that things go well for Jerry when he goes to the doctor. Sometimes we have to speak up because our husbands will not do it. They just want everyone else to do it. I would be looking for that doctor to give you a second opinion and see if they will do something. They should put him on pain management.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I have to wonder why she decided to come on dwts. She is blind and should know that she needs to be able to see to do the dances. I guess that it was just something that she had to do. I thought the dance she did that night was really good. I could not tell if she was upset to be voted off the show or not. So far no one acts like they are that upset one way or the other. I think that they have a good group this time. They are all pretty good dancers.
      Ron is the same way as Greg. He has a shed with heat and lights in it now so he can go out there and play when it rains. It took him a long time to get that fixed and we went thru the feeling of the fridge and freezer. You are lucky that Greg did not go thru that. They pick up all kinds of weird habits.
      We were supposed to get a lot of rain this week-end also but so far we haven’t. We had a hard rain this morning and then it stopped and that was it. So maybe it will do the same thing in the morning.
      I may watch a little of the kids version and see what it is like. I really do not know any of the little kid stars. So it will be different. I think that Val is supposed to be one of the judges on that show. I have not heard who the other two will be. I would not want to be a judge and have to tell those little kids that they did not do well. I agree with on you on the amount of days that the main one is on. Two nights is too much. I think that they are only on one time this week because of programing. They are having that awards show on Tuesday night.So will have to wait and see if they move it to another night.
      I hope that Brent calls you soon and lets you know what they decided about the test. It is so hard to just sit and wait. I know what you mean about not knowing when to call. It is hard to know when everyone is up and moving around. Will continue to pray for him and that he calls you soon.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
      p.s That was nice that you got to spend the day with the grands. I bet that Piper was full of all kinds of stories. They were probably glad that you came to stay. Melissa asked me tonight if I wanted a child and of course I told her yes. So Kaylee runs outside and tells Ethan that they are moving in with me. Don’t think that was the reaction that Melissa was expecting.lol

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I saw them on the shows on Tuesday. They were on her show with the tsv for qvc2 The top that I was talking about sold out right away. They are not supposed to get anymore in until I hope next year. They had other ones on there but that one is the one that really caught my eye. I was waiting to see if I saw something else that I liked and by the time I was ready to order it was gone. That was so dumb not to order that one right away. I wish that they would make more tops with Christmas scenes and not as many with animals. Animals like dogs and cats and I realize that everyone loves their pets but I want something woodsy. Oh well that is my crack that will have everyone mad at me.
      I think when we are tense we tend to pull muscles a lot easier. The back is the easiest to pull. Just take it easy and try not to do too much to make it worse. That is easier said then done. That is good that Tillie listened to you about taking the Alleve twice a day and two at a time. It is really good that it is helping her. That is good that she is eating again. She is picking out food that she wants. So the pain Alleve are working.
      Melissa was being smart tonight and asked me if I wanted a kid. I told her yes and Kaylee heard me and she hollered at her brother and told him that they were moving in with me. Melissa got a surprise. It would be funny if they started packing and getting ready to come here.
      My mom is doing really well right now. Ron is always well and aggravating me. He likes to do that. lol Mandy found a place to move and is moving out on the 15th of this month I have mixed feelings. I am glad that they found a place and that she will be on her own but will miss her and the girls being here.
      That is so nice that all of you had fun laughing and talking with Tillie. They say that laughter is the best medicine. You all needed to have a good laugh.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi DD,
      I like you couch it is really nice. Looks like Jewel likes it also. She has a good place to sit while you are busy doing something else. I like the color and that it is two toned. That really makes it stand out.
      Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves something. It will be nice for you to have some new things. Did you get clothes or decorations? I saw where they had a lot of things on sale. They had some Christmas decorations being sold as is. That kind of worries me. I wonder what condition they are in and why there were sent back. They had a couple of things that were cute but I do not know if I should order. I have ordered as is clothes and they are usually okay but am not sure about decorations.
      If they start selling replacement bodies I am ready to get one. Mine malfunctions all the time. I need one that works like the old body I had. The one when I was in my 20’s that one will do.
      Well that is about all from here.. Have a great night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi DD,
      It looks like Jewell likes the new couch too. Isn’t it funny that whenever you bring something new into the house the pets have to inspect and okay it.
      What a pretty butterfly dress. Now if only I had the figure of the model to do it justice. Those days are long gone.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I guess the blind lady thought if she could ski maybe she could learn to dance too. And she probably could if she had more time to learn. I’m sure the short times they have to learn new dances is a disadvantage to her.
      Boy did we get the rain this weekend! I’ve never seen the streams up so high and standing water in places that you never see it. One of the roads down the way is closed I think because the creek overflowed. It’s a good thing Greg put the new sump pump in before he went away.
      He has been away all weekend rehearsing for the concert on the 13th. They all went to Tim’s house up north. He left on Thursday and should be heading home right about now.
      I understand your mixed feelings about Mandy moving out. You’ll miss her and the kids but it’s good to see her being independent and moving on. I always want to feel like the kids can make it without us as, after all, we won’t be around forever. It makes me feel confident knowing they can take care of themselves.
      Boy now I know how Sue felt with all the rainy weather she had. It seems all fall so far has been rainy. I wonder what that will do the colors.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Yes, I’m pretty sure those are the seasonal oreos with the orange frosting.
      It sounds like Tillie is better since she and the girls are talking about sex. lol I imagine the grands got a kick out of their great grandmother saying that stuff.
      I had to go take care of Lachlan yesterday. Jenny called because all three kids were melting down. The two girls wanted to go to the Halloween store to get costumes and Lachlan is afraid to go there. So all three were crying. (gosh I’m so glad those days are behind me. lol)
      Anyway, he didn’t want to come here so I had to go there to watch him. He’s easy as the two of us just watched movies and played on our tablets.
      So everyone was happy-he didn’t have to go and the girls got their costumes.
      Greg should be driving back about now. He said he was going to try and get out of there by noon.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Adele, Check out K47754. Little Temptations loaf pans with lids & boxes $24. I thought you might be interested as you are always looking for small gifts at Christmas. You could include a recipe or something homemade. Also 4 easy pay today.
      Also I do not remember who was interested in Harry London candy. The tins are the TSV for Nov 28th.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      I think it is great that you put out some decorations. You need to smile. I hope your pretty things bring lots of smiles to your cute face!!
      that was so nice your friend got you a nice new recliner/loveseat. I love it- very pretty. now you can watch Tom Selleck in your new comfy recliner, with a nice cup of tea. Go DD!!
      I will go on faceook after I save this and see what you sent me. you are a good friend. I wish I could make you smile.
      Tillie is ok, and that’s the best we will get. she has pain every day, and sometimes it is a little worst. the 2 Alleve’s have been helping. She takes them when she needs them, whihc is about once a day, or twice a day. She did come up when the kids were here- yesterday, and Friday. She had some laughs with all of them, and that is good too.
      heather went to the german store yesterday,and got her some German cold cuts and goodies. that was real nice too.
      Hope your night is good.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      It is a shame that they did not give the blind lady more time to practice before the show came on. It would not have hurt for them to do that for her. It is a shame that they could not find something that would be comparable with skiing. Maybe some moves. You can tell that I am not a professional.
      We had some rain but not enough to do much. It poured down on Saturday morning and this morning but that was it. Oh yea we did get some this afternoon but not enough to mention. This weather is crazy. They were talking about another hurricane coming in but this time it will be around Louisiana and Florida I think that they said. We will have to see. I am hoping this one dies down.
      That is how we feel about the kids. If they cannot make it on their own no one will be there to help her. We want her to see that she can make it without Andy and will never need him around. She did look kind of proud of herself when she got that apartment on her own. So I hope that she keeps that feeling the longer she is in that apartment.
      It is rough when it rains like that and you start to see some flooding. I know that it can get really bad around where my mom lives. we just have to worry about the low water bridges on our road but we do have another way out. So we are not stranded.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Well Greg got home about four yesterday. They are doing all kinds of construction up by Madison so he said that was very slow going. He said they had good rehearsals so they are ready to go for Saturday night.
      I had collected together some Fall and Halloween decorations that we took over to Jenny’s last night. So her kids will be happy with those. I love my fiber optic pumpkins but I ended up giving her one of them since I had two and one at least may as well be somewhere where other people can actually see and enjoy it. I love those pumpkins! I got them from a Hallmark store years ago. I also gave her my fiber optic turkey since she hosts Thanksgiving now. I did keep my Fall village though and will put it up on the piano today. I had to wait until Greg got back since the box was too heavy for me to carry up stairs.
      Then Greg and I just ran over and picked up McDonalds for dinner. I really hadn’t planned anything so that was fine by me.
      I ended up watching the kids DWTS last night and I enjoyed it more than I thought. I did know who 4 or 5 of the kids were so that helped. I think it’s going to be a very short season maybe a month or so. So I may just copy the whole thing and watch when I can.
      Mandy should be proud of herself. She took some big steps for herself. I hope she continues to enjoy her independence. It’s a lot of hard work being on your own. Hopefully she gets child support from her ex. Although if Kylie is over 18 I guess she wouldn’t get it for her anyway. That’s another thing I worry about now that Jenny will be divorced. I know Adam will provide child support until the kids are 18 but I doubt there will be any help with college for the kids which kind of worries me. I think if they were still together the two of them could have helped the kids with college. Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG, Colleen!
      You are losing your kids! I totally get it. I woudl feel the same way. they are a lot of company and bring so much life into the house. I would be just as sad, or worst.
      On the other hand, i do wish Mandy success. I hope they are close enough to visit a lot.
      You do not get anyone mad at you. We love you. Everyone has their own opinions. that is nto a bad thing. We respect your opinion, as well as anyone else’s.
      I have not been on a lot as I purged, and have been listing things for sale on Ebay. I have a few tops still on Ebay from Quacker, and a sick bunch of Breezies bras, in 2 sizes. I had to come to terms with the fact that I can never wear my pretty Breezes bras again. I am not able to do a back closure anymore. You should look and see how many I already listed. I did them in groups of 3 for one of a kind ones, and then I have a lot of 2 for ones- the sets of 2. So far, I have listed about half the bras I have for sale. I got tired of taking the pics, and listing them. I want to see if these sell, and then I will go and list the rest. I have been listing the bras for 2 days…..LOL
      Once I found a bra that I loved and was comfy, I got it in all the colors, and in multiples, as they only last about 6 months before the wires start to give way. I have 2 huge plastic bags of them- filled, actually over-filled to the tops, with bras. you should have seen the “look” I got from Gary. I hate to say goodbye to them, but, I have to be realistic. I had such pretty colors- one was a gorgeous red satin I used on the holiday. I wore one,and have one I have nto yet listed….LOL
      I need to ask what size everyone wears. Soooo, if any of you wear a 46D or 48D, let me know, and I will send you a couple- totally free, of course!! I would rather know they have a good home, and will be enjoyed by my Quacker buddies!!
      I am glad your Mom and Ron are good. Tillie feels a little better today, and says she will come up for dinner. I am very happy about that.
      Have you watched Single Parents yet? Or Superstore? OMG, I was dying laughing, and I need to laugh.
      Have a good night!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Sue
      Thanks- I will check before I read another post.
      Hey….what size bra do you wear? Not that I want everyone to post this personal issue, but, I have a lot of new ones, and would love to give away some to all of you!!
      Adele……your intrusive friend.

      PS….I used to say this at work…..”Good God, we all know so much about each other we know each other’s bra size”.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Read my posts to the girls for all the news of the day. I am sure you will get a HUGE kick out of.
      So, you had Lachlan yesterday. Is he scared of the decorations you took over to Jenny’s too? it is so sad when the kids get scared of Halloween, as I think it is so much fun. Aizen has nto seen all the houses lit up yet. I got the singing Witch Hat that MAcy’s had on sale, and got one for them too. I forgot to ask Steph if it scared Aizen. I have it on my kitchen table, and anytime someone gets sad about Tillie, i put him on, and “boogie’ to the song. I think they all want to smash it by now. It makes me smile, and I need all the smile I can get.
      I am glad Greg is home, and all safe and sound.
      Did Jenny put up all the stuff you gave her yet? It seems like we are all purging lately. We just accumulate so much over the years, and always find something new we just have to add to our stash.
      I hope I will be able to see DWTS tonight. Tillie has been watching it. We still have so much of the new shows recorded. We have to decide what we will like enough to keep recording.
      How are your legs? Brent? Greg’s back?
      It is very gloomy here, and tomorrow it will be humid agian. Yuck. Then, we get the remnants from the next hurricane. I hope Sue does not get blasted with rain again.
      Have a good night!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      No 46 D’s here! Besides I don’t wear wires. Too uncomfortable. However you are sweet to offer them to all of us. I will write more tomorrow.
      Your booby buddy Gail.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I keep on meaning to write this and then I forget.
      Has Jerry ever considered medical marijuana for the pain. I keep hearing more and more people with chronic pain are using it when conventional medicine just has not helped them. I know it’s considered “alternative” medicine but believe me if I was in constant pain and it helped me I would use it. I suppose it depends on your state laws too. I keep seeing articles that the biggest users of medical marijuana are the baby boomers and it makes sense as we have the most aches and pains. Just another idea I’m throwing our there.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Will people buy used bras off of Ebay? It seems like for the price you would have to ask it would barely cover the postage and all your trouble. I guess I am lazy and just more inclined to just donate stuff. The things I have that are still really nice and hardly worn are older things.
      Yes I gave Jenny two big plastic containers of things and I still have some other things that I am just throwing away. I think Lachlan will like the things I gave them as they are mostly cute things and not scary. I had some extra strands of pumpkin lights that Jenny said she would take to work as the ones she had there were not working right so it was nice to see new life breathed into the things that I haven’t used in several years.
      I had this four foot tall scarecrow built like on a fencepost with lights on it that she put on her little covered front porch. It was really cute but i just hadn’t used it in years. That’s something that can be used from September through November.
      My fall houses are not scary at all. They are more like a Christmas village except for fall. I have not used it for about 5 or 6 years so I am going to be surprised myself when I unpack it as I don’t remember all the pieces very well. It will be like getting something new since I don’t remember all that’s there. I normally put my Christmas village on the mantel but I will put this on the piano as I have pumpkin decorations and candles on the mantel. Plus I discovered a set of mercury glass pumpkins that I didn’t even know I had and a lighted mum plant. lol That’s what happens when you just have the stuff stored for a few years.
      It was funny because Lachlan was looking online to find the witch that Kendall was afraid of when she was little. We finally did find it and Kendall did remember being afraid of her because she thought she was so ugly looking. Now when she saw it she just thought it was kind of goofy so we were laughing about that. When I saw it again I did think maybe it was kind of scary for a kid. I just thought she was funny but it’s all in the eye of the beholder. I think Colleen had this same witch and some of her little ones didn’t like it either.
      My legs are fine. I’m just waiting to get the vein surgeries over and done next month. Some days they bother me and some days not but i know it will just keep getting worse and worse if I don’t do something. Greg’s back doesn’t bother him most of the time. It’s his feet and legs that either hurt or get numb. I’m thinking he might be close to ready for another shot in the back sometime. The last one worked for almost a year so that was good.
      I finally heard from Brent this morning and he is just about done with the monitor. So after they get the results from that hopefully they will find a course of treatment.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Gailster…..LOL LOL
      Hey, I am here to serve the public. That is what I used to say at the office, when the crew got upset by some new regulation, or request that was upsetting everyone…..imagine me saying this, with the Boston accent, and accentuating the words…..we are here to serve the public…… it usually made them laugh.
      Adele, your whacky friend who has 9 of just one bra style alone….LOL LOL

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Gail and Barbara
      I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked that question. apparently, they take the stuff out of it that makes you high, and leave “the hemp”?? Not sure if I have that right, or backwards.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      the bras are all “new in package”. I only took one of each kind out to take a pic of them. I don’t think anyone would buy an old used one….LOL LOL I loved pretty bras, and still do. The ones I loved, I got in every pretty color they sold, and multiples, as “the girls”, or the washer, ruined bras about every 6 months. Right now, the prettiest one I have on ebay has an offer on it. I do not do free shopping, so it ends up worth it in the end. If I were to sell something very pricey, I would add free shipping.
      I bet Jenny and the kids are thrilled with all their new Halloween decorations. Plus, you get to enjoy them, and not take them out, or put them away. Best of both worlds.
      I hope Brent gets some good news soon.
      It does sound like Greg is ready for another back shot. Hope he gets one before the holidays, so he can enjoy everything, with no pain.
      I hope your vein surgery goes better than you think it will. We need some good health news.
      Spoke with Tillie’s GP today- she has an appointment next week. He will explain everything, and they are upset so much was said to worry her. I hope we will feel much better after we leave the doctor’s office. I know we will.
      So, I was going to do lentil soup, with ham. Tillie said she can’t eat that. So, I will make eggs and ham with a pancake for dinner. Go figure!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Thanks but the bras are not my size. I can’t imagine having all colors. My bras are all white & beige & 1 black one. I also cannot stand underwires. They dig in & stab me under my arm. If you pull out the wires there is no support. I hope you find someone to use them. I just hook my bras in front & turn hooks to the back & slip up the straps.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Sue!
      That is how my Mom hooks her bras. She has very little arthritis. I can’t do that, as it kills the shoulder to do that, plus the back…..LOL The front hook bras are not as pretty, but, it is what it is. Don’t you wish Quacker would do sparkly bras???
      So far, I sold a set of 2 today.
      You have to get just the right one that does not stab you- hence my obsession with getting a million of them in one that works.\
      I watched the Halloween baking shows today, which I had recorded. Do you watch them? What decorating ability. Absolutely amazing.
      Have a good night!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      How’s the bra business going? I like the breezies too-especially the floral lace in the wireless. At this point I’m more worried about comfort than support. Of course in the old days when I was thin I barely needed a bra and didn’t wear one anyway during the college hippie years. lol
      I’m so glad Tillie will be seeing the family doctor. Hopefully things will be explained in a clear and kind way.
      Good thought about Jenny having the decorations and us being able to just see and enjoy them. I’m waiting for the glue to dry on my church steeple for my Fall village so I can finish that up. It had been broken before and the glue didn’t hold so this time Greg super glued it. After all he does run a glue factory. lol
      Jenny needs me to take her dog to the groomers tomorrow. Her kids have dentist appointments and the only grooming appointment was at the same time and little Callie needs a grooming so badly. She looks like a little ragamuffin. I guess Lachlan has an abcess and needs a tooth pulled. Hopefully it’s a baby tooth.
      They act like the vein surgery is a piece of cake so I’m hoping it will be. My SIL says she can’t fly for six weeks after her vein surgeries. They never said anything to me about that. In any case I’m not planning on flying anywhere in November and December anyway. The surgery doesn’t bother me it’s the damn stockings that will be the problem. We’ll make it work some way or other.
      Will you be getting rain from the hurricane? We had 80’s the last few days and tomorrow we will be in the 40’s. Yikes!
      Greg’s favorite the Goldbergs is on tonight. Sometimes they give me a headache because they are always yelling but the Mom is such a character. I think my favorite of all the sitcoms is Superstore. I can just picture all those characters working at my local WalMart. So far I haven’t found that program about the single parents that funny. Maybe I can’t relate or something.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Well, girls, it seems I can’t leave you all for a minute without you all going off on some “sexual content” such as boobies and undergarments. lol By the way/this ole lady wears a 42DD; loud and proud. They used to be in a more upright position; but alas, time and gravity has taken its tole on them as well as my neck; face; belly; well, you get the picture unfortunately. I do have to report that I cannot wear underwires either. I have so much pain from the fibro that one of my really sore spots is my rib that runs right under where a wire would sit. Adele; I couldn’t help but think that I also have a very special bra purchased many years ago in bright red with actual threads that shine. It was at Christmas and being the sweet girl I was; I knew my favorite fellow would enjoy my beautiful bra as much as I did. Wore it ONE time; and now it sits all wrapped in tissue like a little hidden treasure in my dresser. It is really beautiful.
      I am also trying to “give away” many things we have collected over the years. Got my feelings hurt a little since no one seems to want anything. Joey takes things, but I think its just NOT to hurt my feelings by saying he really doesn’t need it. ha ha Lisa just flat out says no thanks. Jerry kinds fussed at me the other day for cooking dinner for them. I finally told him “at least they are coming up, we are visiting, and I love having my family around” so he shut up. ha ha I know he is just trying to see about me; but I think everyone understands how I feel/ whether its family, or friends or neighbors; we just enjoy being around people.
      It’s so funny you all would think of asking about medical marijuana for Jerry. I talked with him about this last week. I am writing down on my little notebook my questions and concerns to take with us to the dr. for our next visit. One of the questions will also be about the injections. He did receive them before his surgery, and some helped. I believe with all my heart that he has been through so much already that he feels discouraged that they didn’t “fix” him with that big surgery, and also of how much they scared him because he almost died during the surgery. So I have both the physical and the phycological thing. Very frustrating, but I have to work hard not to be an enabler while I try to help him.
      So happy your Mom is feeling some better Adele. I will pray for a good dr. visit next week; and also that your son gets some good news from his dr. Gail. Sounds like your husband is all ready for his show. You alls decorations sounds just beautiful. We always have the ghosts hanging from our trees out by the road every Oct. They are not really scary. We don’t get any children because we are so far off the road and no little ones close by. I used to do little bags of treats for the children that went to school with our boys when they were little, and just drive to their parents mailboxes on Halloween and leave their candy. They did the same for our boys. We also had a church thing for the kids. I am watching a show about Halloween bakers and they have pumpkin carvers, sugar artists, cakes it is so much fun to watch. They are just amazing.
      Better close for now. Take care everyone; and have a good evening. Hugs, Barbara

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail you mentioned Superstore did you see it last year when Dave King was on ( the former QVC host not my cousin of the same name)? I did not see it as I don’t watch that show. But he has been on a lot of shows usually playing doctors or lawyers. He has not had any major role that are on all the time but is doing pretty well. I talk to Dave on Facebook from time to time. I had told him he had the same name as my cousin & he said there were a bunch of Dave King’s at Penn State when he was there & of course we talk Penn State football.
      Rick Springfield is on the Goldbergs tonight. I like him. I don’t know anymore I don’t find any of the sitcoms that funny. I use to love them and laughed so hard but they just are not the same as the old sitcoms.

      I don’t know if it would work for you but I see they have the support hose with zippers now that are suppose to be easier to put on. They have them on Amazon. I was thinking of trying them as I just cannot get them on it really hurt when the nurses put them on then once they are on they roll & dig in and are very uncomfortable. My doctor wants me to wear them. He says my swelling is a circulation problem. That the veins leak & blood pools at the ankle.

      More rain coming tomorrow then it is to get cold low 50’s in daytime and 30’s &40’s at night. I think this may be the end of warm weather

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      We are getting blasted with rain, right now, and through the night. It has been real gloomy all day, and got much darker when the rain started.
      We watched the 2 shows of This is us today, while listening to the rain. I needed to sit in the recliner, as the back (where I pulled it last week) is killing me today. When I am in the recliner, it stops the pain. So, we caught up on a couple of shows.
      You should see Single Parents. It is so funny. I also love Superstore- I have this week’s recorded too- may watch it tonight before 8. Have you seen I Feel So Bad? I am not sure if I like that one yet. It has some slow spots….LOL
      I hope the puppy got her hair done. Also hope Lachlan got the tooth fixed, and is all better.
      I hope they are right about the vein surgery, and you will be as good as new. I agree- those socks are brutal.
      Are you going to Jenny’s tomorrow night….with the repaired church? That is funny- Greg should be able to solve that problem with lightning speed.
      So far, I have sold all but 2 listings of Quacker Factory shirts, and one set of bras. A lott of the bras have people “watching” them. I still have to list the other half of my stash. Those are the satin ones with floral designs on them- I think they are the floral lace, and rose lace ones??? They are all underwire ones. Gary finds this quite amusing. He calls it “my wife’s store”.
      I hope the rain stops tomorrow. It is supposed to get real cool, and Fall like when this is over. I have the air on, as the humidity is through the roof.
      Hope you are all ok.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Barbara
      in between answering these posts, another set of 2 breezies are sold….LOL LOL
      I loved your Christmas bra story! What is it, with the prettiest ones digging in, so to speak????The ones I wore in my 20’s to 40’s were the worst. the prettier, the “pinchier”. Men’s underwear never rides, pinches or binds. What is up with that??
      I have to confess…..my sexiest bras and undies, and nightgowns are long gone. I imagined when I died, the kids would vomit when they cleaned out the lingerie drawer. I donated them a while ago to Salvation Army. Imagine their faces….LOL I saved my wedding night set, and the gorgeous red one I got for that…….first weekend away….LOL LOL They are both 2 or 3 sizes too small now.
      On to the serious stuff….I do hope Jerry is able to get another shot for his back. When they work, they do miraculous pain relief. If this pain in the middle of the back does not stop soon, I may have to consider another one. It hurts so bad, when I breathe in, it hurts. I am waiting for it to go away, as I think it was more of a muscle pull this time, and it just takes time to stop. It gets me aggravated, as I can’t even do the baking I want right now. It will be cool in a day or 2, and I want to bake. Tillie has been wanting a coffee cake, and I want to do one for her. Gary may be enlisted to do the heavy lifting….LOL
      I agree- jerry is trying to save you the work. But, we don’t care about the work, we like to see the kids. Even with my back as bad as it was, I did chocolate chip cookies when JJ came over the weekend. We are Nana’s, and we have to do what we have to do. No matter what.
      I am watching the devastation from the hurricane. OMG! This was a bad one. I hope it is the last one for the year. Prayers snet for all the victims of this mess.
      Hope you are ok.
      PS….we cannot be left unsupervised…LOL

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      I think you are getting the same rain we have. We are also to be more like Fall weather over the weekend. I can’t wait to smell the nice cool air.
      I hope the rain is over for you by now.
      I have not seen Superstore this week yet- maybe later, or tomorrow.
      Tonight is Grey’s- love that show, and Station 19.
      Hope your night is good.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I think all of us are finding that our kids don’t want much of our stuff. No one uses fancy dishes or glassware or anything like that anymore.
      Barbara, you should take that pretty red bra out and wear it! What are you saving it for? Put it on and strut your stuff, girl!
      We don’t get any trick or treaters here either. I miss seeing the little ones all excited wearing their costumes.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      I don’t remember seeing Dave King on Superstore. I wish I had had a heads up I would have kept an eye out for him. I know he makes appearances on shows here and there.
      I think DD also mentioned the zip stockings. I did look into them but I’m thinking for them to be effective they would be really hard to zip. IN the meantime I have bought all kinds of accessories in preparation. A stocking donner, some gizmo to help take them off and these rubber glove things to help pull them on. I will be well equipped-now hopefully they really help. It sounds like you have a problem similar to mine. I wonder if surgery would help.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Well we had a freeze last night and the weatherman even mentioned the word snow flake today. Blasphemous!
      I have watched Single Parents. It’s okay but I just haven’t gotten into it yet. I will keep watching and maybe it will grow on me.
      They ended up pulling Lachlan’s tooth but it’s a baby tooth so he’ll get another one. I suppose the tooth fairy comes for pulled teeth too. lol
      Who the heck started the idea of rewarding kids for something that happens naturally? Maybe it made them less afraid to lose the tooth when there was a reward involved.
      You know men would never wear something with wires, spanx, girdles panty hose-why do we women buy into all this stuff? More to look good for other women than to look good for men as women are too critical of each other. I hope this will change with the next generations. Boy, I am a curmudgeon today. I am reminding myself of Andy Rooney. lol

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Well, Gailster….
      I have one better. Today, I am a Cranky Old A Hole…..LOL
      Yesterday, rissy came to help Tillie with a ath, and she said no. Ok. Tillie said something about a coffee cake. I haven’t made my old recipe of a sour cream coffee cake in a while, and decided to make it for her today. She refuses to come up, saying she has not washed up, can’t, and can’t get out of her nightgown. Told her we do not care. No go. Asked if she wants a piece while it is still warm- no go. She said she could barely eat breakfast, and it is still “in her throat”. So, Gary and I had a pice, and she has had none.
      What I am afraid of is congestive heart failure- when Gary got diagnosed with that, he was choking eating food. If I torture her and get her to the ER, she will be miserable, and they could keep her. She is adamant about wanting to be left alone, and die at home.
      So, here I sit, leaving her alone, as she wants to sleep in her recliner and not be bothered. I will call her again in a few hours, to see if she changed her mind. In the meantime, Gary got one of her favorite chicken pot pies at Harrow’s. I froze it, as I do nto think she is in the mood to eat.
      I know what is eventually coming. I just don’t want her to give up. This really sucks, and I am not a happy camper today.
      Hope all of you have something funny t say to make me smile….even laugh. My back is killing me. i realized I did nto pull a muscle, it is the dam back again. It has been a whole week, and no progress toward it going away. I will have to make an appointment if it does not stop. Like I need another issue with myself right now. Sorry….I am having a pity party today, with cake.
      Love you guys!

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      I had to sign back in twice!!! It didn’t take the first time. This is a new computer & I had some issues with it this week. I couldn’t get the icons on my taskbar to come up. I couldn’t get the power down icon to come up so I had to contact HP. A tech came on & took over the computer. Turns out their automatic upgrade didn’t finish or something, so they ran it & now it works. It was freaking me out since it’s just 6 months old. So it was covered.

      We’ve been having some late summer like weather out here. It got up to 70 today. Maybe higher by mid week. Last week they actually had that dreaded S word in the forecast, for the higher elevations.
      I’m so far behind reading the posts, it’ll take me a week to read em all. LOL
      I’ve read a few, so Adele, how’s the bra selling business going? I hope Tilly’s feeling better now.

      SPOILER ALERT: Our favorite QVC foodie received 100,000 followers on Instagram this week so now he’s gonna eat some brussel sprouts that Stacy makes for her family. I can’t wait to see his face when he eats em. He hates em!!!! I’m gonna record it so I can play it back later.

      They dismantled that big crane today. It’s the one you’ve seen in some of my pics looking out my window. I’m still not sure what kind of bldg. they put up.
      Whatever it is it blocks part of my view now.
      I went to a couple basketball games this week. Diane had some preseason tix, & asked if I’d like to go. IT got me out of the house for a few hrs & I enjoyed em.
      Well, that’s all for now.
      Have a great rest of your weekend.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey DD!!
      I was getting worried, and hoped you were alright.
      So glad you got to see some basketball games. You deserve some nice trips out.
      I love the Halloween pics. Especially the orange moon.
      I have ITKWD on-nothing interesting yet.
      I have sold 2 sets of 2 bras so far. I want to take some moe pics, to load the rest but, my back is not cooperating well today. I hope to get a couple on.
      Tillie has good and bad days. Seems more bad ones lately. I hope she is better today, as the sun if finally out.
      How are you doing? I hope the crane is gone soon.
      I have my eyes on this fabulous witch on Ebay. I am trying not to buy her…..LOL
      Hope your days are bright and sunny- it is sunny here, but chilly. We lost the game last night….bummer.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I love that Halloween lantern! How cute!
      What kinds of games did you see? College-high school? No that can’t be as colleges and high schools are still playing football. I believe Oregon won yesterday in their bright yellow hi-lite looking uniforms. Has pro basketball started already? Maybe-as I know hockey has.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hey Adele,
      You go ahead and have as many pity parties as you want. You are having a very stressful time of it and your situation would make anyone crabby. Poor Tillie is getting in her own way. Maybe the doctor can convince her that she still may have several good years ahead of her and whatever is bothering her is quite treatable. It just sounds like she is despairing and unless you can get her to change her frame of mind her prophecies will be self fulfilling. I know what you mean about not wanting her to give up-that is so important-I hope somehow she can see her way towards changing her attitude.
      I was kind of insistent with my MIL and always kind of made her get up and get dressed. Ultimately it made her feel so much better-as my feelings were if you sat around in your pajamas all the time pretty soon you would start to feel like an invalid. I think it helped her a lot. I would help her shower every other day and I had a girl come in on Fridays to wash and style her hair-and she would do her touch ups too-every six weeks or whatever. When she first came here I took her out to the beauty parlor but as time went on it was harder to get her from the car to the beauty parlor because of snow and stuff so I found a young woman that would come out to the house. But it sounds like Tillie’s biggest problem is her own attitude. I hope the doctor visit will help her change that. Of course she is frightened too-anyone would be but I hope someone can convince her to enjoy the life that she has left to the fullest-to grab it with gusto and wring all of the pleasure out if it that she can.
      I don’t have any funny stories. However, The ONP concert was a success and I think all the kids for this year were adopted and will get their wish lists fulfilled.
      I wonder where Colleen has been-she’s been pretty much absent this week. Hope everything is okay with her.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      I agee. I honestly feel she “thinks” she is dying right now, so she is letting it happen. It will be a miracle if I can get her to the doctor on Wednesday. Say an extra prayer for that one, please.
      Tillie had her “breakfast” at 2:30pm today. I did get her to accept a burger for dinner at 6ish. I have to check to see if she ate any- we ordered one for all of us tonight. My plan is to cook meatloaf tomorrow, then chicken soup, and the the pot pie Gary got yesterday. I am hoping she will eat it all. Also have to do the apple crisp, before the apples go bad. Just didn’t feel like doing any cooking today.
      The back was ok this morning, and then it went south real fast. I just do not have the time for any issues with myself right now. I keep asking god to make the back stop, as I cannot help everyone else when I can barely sit still. The recliner is the only place it does not hurt.
      Sorry for bitching….LOL I need to get my sense of humor back.
      I will try to email Colleen.
      PS…sound slike your MIL was a lot more cooperative than Tillie. I wish she woudl just listen to me, and help herself a little, and realize she could be like this for years. I was told by the dr in the hospital that with ehr heart and aorta, a maximum of 2 years is expected. if she does he max, imagine how miserable she will be for that time???

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Adele,
      Sorry to hear you’re having such a bad time. Kay was kinda the same way about going to the hospital. It took her brother or sister to get her there. She was stubborn down to the very last. They wouldn’t take no for an answer. We’re all entitled to pity parties when things aren’t going as they should be. I’ve had a few myself. Just keep in mind, this too shall pass.
      I’m tired tonight as I did laundry. I have to go down a floor to the laundry room & it tires me out going back & forth.

      I was mistaken about the brussel sprouts on ITKWD. Ooooops. I still can’t wait to see his expression when he does eat em.

      Oh, I found out from Critt today the reason they took down the crane. Turns out the developer ran out of money & couldn’t pay the workers. So now there’s a bldg that’s not completed. It doesn’t look like an apartment bldg to me. I don’t know what it’s supposed to be.

      That’s all for tonight.

      take care & I hope your week is better than last week.

      dd & Jewell

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      HI Adele,
      You are not bitching. You are worried because you love your mother and you want to keep her around for as long as you possibly can. I will pray for your doctor visit on Wednesday. Is there any way you can talk to the doctor previous to the visit and give him/her the heads up on Tillie’s present attitude so that they could give her a pep talk and encourage her to live her life to the fullest. It’s such a difficult situation.
      I don’t know if my MIL was more agreeable or if I was just more pushy. I was kind of like a drill sergeant and made her do things that she didn’t want to because they were for her own good. I actually think it’s easier when it’s not your own mother because you don’t have that whole back history. I think if it had been my mother I couldn’t have as easily made her do things. But because it was my MIL it was different. I felt so responsible for her as she was the mother of four children (including my husband) and I felt like I was caring for her for all of them. Kind of like it was my job and if anyone knows me they know I take jobs seriously and I will do a job to the best of my ability. The only thing about that attitude is that is very stressful as you take on the responsibility of another’s life-after five years by the time she got so bad that I couldn’t care for her anymore and she had to go into nursing home I was mentally and physically exhausted. So if I have any advice for caregivers-it’s give your self a break and don’t try to do everything yourself. Get some help and take some breaks. I will be praying for you guys as I think you will be entering some tough territory. Try and maintain your sense of humor. It helps. I was so tightly wound that I would cry at the drop of a hat. Daily. In private. Not good. Take a deep breath and take it day by day.
      You don’t have to email Colleen. I just wondered about her since she hadn’t been on in several days. Maybe she’s been busy with Mandy getting ready to move out. That’s probably it.
      I wish I had some funny Piper stories for you today. She was putting makeup on Greg Friday night. He told her she needed to do his stage makeup for his concert. Of course smart ass me tells her he needs to have the top of his head powdered so the glare won’t blind the audience. It’s okay-they always make jokes about that themselves as Tim and Greg are both bald. Which is funny as Greg’s brother’s are all balding like their Dad but Tim’s brother as a full head of thick hair. Go figure.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Adele you Mother will never listen to you. She no longer knows what is best for her so if she needs to go to the Hospital just call an ambulance. My mom would have never went if I had not just called an ambulance & had them take her. I never heard the end of it as she constantly told me I was to quick to take her to the hospital but when you have strokes that is not something to fool with. When I was taking care of dad the doctor finally said he must go to a nursing home as you are making yourself sick taking care of him & they can give him the care he needs. So he went in did not like it & begged to come home. We saw him everyday & they gave him good care but had it been left up to him he would never have gone.
      So sometimes you need to do what is best for them. It does not mean you don’t love them. It just means you need to see they get the best care to keep them around as long as possible. You really are in no shape to care for her daily. Calling her on the phone is not enough you cannot see what she needs over the phone & she hides things from you.
      I hope I do not upset you saying these things but I have been through it & you have to put their needs before their wants or even what you want. I know I was surprised after my mom passed her brother said to me I don’t know how you did it as I would have put her in a home. I do believe that is part of the reason my joints are in the shape they are constantly running up & down the stairs.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      You are absolutely right. You have to practice tough love. It’s hard to accept that and even harder to do it. Like I said there would have been an entirely different dynamic had it been my mother instead of my MIL. You kind of become the parent and the parent becomes the child because they are no longer making reasonable well thought out decisions for themselves, they are acting totally on emotions. While I understand and sympathize with their viewpoints their desires are not always necessarily what is best for them.
      You are also right in saying Adele cannot take physical care of Tillie’s day to day needs. I was twelve years younger when I was taking care of my MIL. Some of the things I did for her then I could no longer do today.
      I think your viewpoint is a very good one as it comes from logic and experience. You were a wonderful daughter and you did everything you possibly could. The caregivers of this world never get adequate credit. It can be a difficult and lonely job with an inevitably sad ending besides. It’s not like raising a child where you have the joy of watching them grow up-this is an end of life situation where whatever you do and however hard you try the end of your caregiving will bring sadness. It is very bittersweet.
      You really made some good points.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      OMG, that one funny made me laugh!! Thank you- needed that.
      Tillie did come up for dinner tonight. First time since last week. She didn’t stay long. That is ok, as long as she did come up, and ate.
      Holy crap. Who starts to build a huge building, and then runs out of money? Not good for your city, as it would be an eye sore, and a place where bad things can happen. that is a terrible shame.
      I hope you and Critt will get to spend some time together, and have some fun.
      Heather has to do her laundry the same way, and it poops her out too, and she is 46. I can only imagine how it makes you feel.
      I am not sure we will be bale to get he rout of here, as she is in her nightgown, and will remain that way. She thinks she is dying any minute.
      I found a better thing for Tillie and her TV. It looks like a stethoscope, (instead of the bulky headphones) and is for hearing the TV, when you are hard of hearing. i got it on Amazon, and it will be here Wednesday. I hope that helps her.
      Thank you for your very kind words. You are a good friend.
      DWTS is on tonight…yahoo….

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG, Gail= that is so funny. I can see Piper putting the makeup on greg….LOL LOL
      Here is a good one. So, I get the idea to tell Tillie the doctor will come here, if she doesn’t go there, and tell her that, full well knowing it will freak her out. She cried, and said to please, please not let him come here. I told her it is her choice- either she goes, or he comes. So, the whining voice stopped, and she came up for dinner. She didn’t stay long. So, she asks where is the growth, and Iknow what she is thinking- have to have pain there. So, I say, do nto know where the pancreas is, but you have had it for 40 to 50 years, and have yet to feel it. I added again the doctor told you it does nto cause pain.
      I hope that makes her stop all of this, and move a little again. Maybe that is why she came upstairs. I did feel bad when it upset her, but, what am I supposed to do to freak her out enough to get moving???
      The doctor, and his entire office know how freaked out she is….LOL That is one of the reasons he wants to see her, to calm her down. they are also ticked off that the hospital specialist told her so much, as they know how anxious she gets.
      My back got worst. Called my back doctor he’s doing prednisone for 6 days, in the hope of calming it down. Appointment with him scheduled, just in case it doesn’t. I will bet it is all the extra stress, and yes, I cry in the shower, and bathroom. I do my best praying on the toilet….LOL God must find that very funny.
      Hope DWTS is good enough to take my mind off all of this.
      PS…we won both games last night….whoohaa!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Dear Sue…of course you do nto upset me. I know you are speaking from your heart, and have the good of everyone in mind. that’s what scares me, as I cannot see her all the time. I am lucky that Bobby is down there, and he is my eyes and ears. Plus, heather is here 4 days a week too, and poor Gary goes up and down the stairs. we are all trying very hard, but I know if this continues it is inevitable that a nursing home is in the future. Honestly, and I know this sounds just awful, I pray she goes before that decision has to be made. She would be so scared away from all of us. I desperately don’t want to see that happen. I woudl rather lose her, than she her go there. this sucks.
      I am so sorry you had to go through this too. End of life is so hard. you know, I would ask for Hospice, but that would freak her out even more. I hear how helpful they are, and we could use that very kind help that they give. I am just nto sure she is really there yet, or is this all anxiety???? She really needs to go to her appointment Wednesday. I know that will help.
      Please read the other posts to the girls to get all the other info.
      DWTS tonight….

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Well said, Gailster.

      Thank You all for the kind words, and your friendship. It means the world to me!
      Love you guys!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hey Adele,
      Don’t feel bad. When it comes to helping a loved one the end justifies the means as far as I am concerned.
      I’m glad that she came upstairs. I pray that you can get her to the doctor as I think that will really help. I imagine she is of the generation where a doctor is still sort of godlike so whatever he/she says will probably be respected.
      I was very disappointed with DWTS last night. The voters are making it into a popularity contest rather than a dance contest. That girl should have made it to the finals or close to it anyway. I wonder if it was a backlash because she was a back up dancer for Janet Jackson and people think that makes her a professional and that is unfair to the other contestants. I know that has happened to a few others with similar backgrounds over the years. People don’t seem to like that. But geeesh-Grocery store Joe and Bobby Bones are still there!? At least I know who Bobby Bones is-I had never heard of Grocery Store Joe. Isn’t it weird how you can become so famous from being on a reality show or even YouTube? We could have never imagined such a thing when we were young.
      Have you checked out the program Cool Kids yet? It’s on Fox on Friday evenings. I think you might like it. I’m glad they moved some of the sitcoms to Fridays. It makes my DVR schedule less crowded the other four days of the week.
      I hope you will have good news of a Tillie doctor visit to report.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster, and everyone
      Today is day one on the prednisone. I can’t tell you how hot I am….and sweaty. I hate being on this, but, it does work, and it is only 6 days. By tomorrow, I will get the awful headache that goes with it. Not complaining, just stating facts. God help everyone aorund me for the next 5 days….LOL
      I was not so thrilled with DWTS either. A few dances were very funny- I love to see Len go nuts on the risque ones.
      Tillie called me at 7am, to cry and say she cannot go tomorrow. She said she was up all night again, as she is so scared to go. I cancelled it, as I just can’t take any more crying, or whining today. She said she has to “get herself ready”, which I assume means sleep at night, and not all day. I did nto reschedule, as I am tired of wasting the doctor’s time, as other people need to see him.’I think the grocery store guy is the one who sang those beautiful songs all holiday season, as he worked. It was on our news a couple of times. Not sure if I am correct.
      Hope everyone is good. the sun is shining up here-yahoo!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      No Grocery store Joe is famous for being on the Bachlorette and I think Bachelor in Paradise-all reality show programs. But I understand he has a huge following on social media and those are the voters. It’s become a popularity contest.
      I’m sorry Tillie won’t go. It seems like she would want to know what’s going on. Usually our imaginations will make things much worse than they actually are.
      I have been watching DWTS juniors on Sunday nights. Those little kids are really quite good-and of course some of them are so cute.
      I hope the prednisone works and you feel better. I know it works quickly. Hopefully things with Tillie will simmer down and you can eventually get her in for a check up.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Thank you for the well wishes. I hope she calms down, now that there is no need to go out tomorrow.
      My back is a itsy bitsy bit better. The pain is almost tolerable.
      I haven’t watched the little ones dancing. We watch the games on Sunday, and Madame Secretary, and 60 Minutes.
      Hope you are good today!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Adele I will say one more thing than will be like Frozen & Let It Go. Tillie knows what buttons to push with you to get what she wants, Like a child throwing a tantrum. She knows you will not stand up to her.
      Hope things get better.
      I was sure a mess yesterday. Everything hurt & I could hardly walk. I know I overdid over the weekend & then the cold & rain did not help. I did not get anything done yesterday. Today was much better the sun was out & I could walk better still some pain but nothing I can’t handle. I got my fleece sheets on the bed now I will be cozy to sleep. I wanted to take my garbage down but there was so much commotion down there I decided to wait. I thought the man in the little house down there had passed away as the ambulance was there & they brought a stretcher out with the persons face covered like they do with bodies but they brought him back later so must have done that because of the cold.
      I was disappointed with DWTS also but they do not vote on the best dancer, as it should be, but who is most popular. They say Joe the grocery guy has a huge fan base. I thought he or Bobby should have gone before Nancy last week. She was not the best dancer but better than those two. Guess the young people do not remember her.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Surely sounds like everyone has lots going on in their lives right now. Sue, sorry your knee is giving you so much trouble. You have worked so hard so I hope that you will be able to move past this soon. How is your back doing Adele? That prednisone does have lots of side effects. But if it does help you then its just something you have to tolerate until you can get better. I think your back hurting you so badly has a lot to do with all this stress plus you have probably hurt yourself as well. All your worry is driving you down to such a hard place to be. I pray all will somehow work itself out, and your life and Ms. Tillies’ life will be what each of you are praying for. You are both so much a part of each others daily life; for so many years; that it is so hard for each of you to face in your own way.
      Stairs is something I am not able to do anymore. That was a real terror I had with the PT lady after the stroke. She was adamant that I walk up and down the steps inside the garage into the kitchen, and down the patio steps before she would release me. I was okay as long as I could hold onto something, but so weak when not steady. I know a lot was just plain being scared of falling; but that didn’t help that voice inside my head. lol
      We have a scary situation going on here tonight. The sheriffs dept. went to serve papers I guess on someone the next road over; and he broke away from them and is running somewhere in all these woods around where we live. You can hear the police helicopters overhead, and lots of sirens. We are locked up inside and Joey and Lisa are too because I called them as soon as I heard, and thankfully they are both home safe, and have locked up. We live so far off the road, and it is a very rural area, lots of trees. Needless to say; we are tucked in for the night and hope to hear all is well soon.
      It has turned cold here. It was sunny today but the air is definitely Fall. When is your trip to Branson Gail? Hope you all have a wonderful time. Should be beautiful there this time of year. Will the Christmas lights be up already? I have heard those are just beautiful to see. Well, better go and keep and eye on the news. DD, I will use this time to also put some Christmas items in my cart since I just heard on ITKWD that everything online and air is 5 pymts. until midnight I think. Take care everyone, hope Colleen is feeling better. By the way, Colin now says “Watch me
      and Cool Dude” I am like you Gail, where in the world do they pick up these sayings? Little Piper was so cute saying that to you. They seem so grownup. Goodnight everyone. Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue!
      I am up late, as the Sox are still playing.
      funny you should say that, as I kind of lost it with her today. I told her i have heard enough of the shennagains, and she needs to stop saying she is going to die. Told her she could live another year, or more, and have a miserable one just sitting there, saying she wants to die. She is missing the changing of the leaves, and all the Fall smells, colors, and baking. She didn’t even have a piece of the Apple Crisp, which I made while I was in so much pain, as it is her favorite.
      So, today, she was up most of the day. I made chicken soup, with the left over Crisp. She did not want to come up, but we sent soup down. She said she ate some. She would not agree to a shower again today, with Heather helping. Tomorrow, Heather told her she is coming, and she better be ready, as her PT person is coming Friday. I am hoping for the best. Marissa is coming tomorrow too.
      I hope you are all cozy in your flannel sheets. I used to love those. But, I get too hot at night for them now. they were so cozy.
      I am glad your neighbor did nto die. Itis cold up here too. We may have a freeze tomorrow night. I am also glad you are feeling better. When ti first gets cold, it makes us all sore, and so stiff.
      You are a good friend. You are never offending anyone,as your insights come from your heart, and we all knwo that. We love you!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Barbara
      OMG…I am praying that the person was found by now!! That Is very scary. At least Joey is close by, if anything happens on your property. People are so crazy , and you never know. Do you have a security system? It is always when these things happen, that we think of getting one.
      Please read my post to Sue for the up-dated Tillie news.
      You are right. It is very hard. Tillie cries at least once when she sees me, and I ask her to please stop, as I am glad to see her, and it is nto sad. Bobby was so upset last night, he was threatening to go to the hospital, and give that surgeon a piece of his mind. I can see it now….film at 11:00, as they say. Her doctor is upset too, as everyone who knows Tillie knows she should never have been told she has a mass that is likely to be cancer. She hard that word, and that is it. That is one of the main reasons he wants to talk to her. Now,she is saying she needs time to get her days and nights back together, before the doctor visit. I am still hoping she will go in a week or so, and then I will make the appointment.
      I can see little Colin’s face saying Cool Dude, and Watch me- doe she dance when he says it? They are so adorable at that age. i tried to skype Steph today, but her phone is having trouble. I was needing to see Aizen and JJ. Oh well. It said she was not online.
      My back is better, I did nto gt the pain until about 5 pm tonight. I am sure it was all the soup prep, and fixing. I needed to make it, as they all need to eat, and we can’t keep doing take-out. The night before we did, and I got her a burger and steak fries, and she hardly ate them, even though it was form the children’s meal. Gary got macaroni, and I got a small pizza….LOL Everyone ate their soup tonight. I had cooked escarole separate, and added it in for extra vitamins for Gary and Tillie.
      I hope you are all ok, and the criminal has been apprehended. Dam.
      Love ya!

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Barbara, I hope the situation you spoke of ended quickly & safely for all of you. That’s scary!!! We hear about situations like that every week & in town. I hope everyone’s safe now.
      Adele, I agree with Sue & Gail, as a live-in caregiver, I know all too well how hard it is. I not only had the patient to deal with, I sometimes had the family to deal with too!! Which made it even harder. Caregiving is the hardest job you’ll ever do.
      Sue, I’m sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble getting around. I had the same problem earlier this week. My sciatica is really bad this week. And it’s been warm all this week. We’ve had temps in the 70s all week. No sign of rain in the forecast.
      I’m terrified of going down stairs. If my left leg gave out, I’d be in big trouble.
      I gave up watching DWTS. I don’t know any of the contestants, & like all of you say, it’s a popularity contest, not a dance contest, anymore. It started out that way, but not now.

      Not much going on here. There was one thing & you guys probably won’t know who I’m talking about. Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, owner of the Seattle Seahawks football team & the Portland Trail Blazers, NBA team, passed away Monday. It’s been really sad around here. It was the Blazers pre-season games I went to last week. It came as quite a shock when it came across my phone Monday afternoon.
      That’s all for tonight.

      take care & stay safe


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      Well, I heard on the news this morning that your neck of the wood sis the only one having nice weather….LOL We are cold, and a frost will happen tonight. I like it chilly, especially when I am on the prednisone. Gary asked nicely if the heat could go on, as he is freezing….LOL LOL So, I had to put it on.
      You are so right. Caregiving is very hard. I kind of lost it this morning. Tillie said she can no longer eat soup. So, no soup, no red meat, no chicken pot pie, no Apple Crisp, or any baked good, no chocolate, she is sick of chicken, so what in the hell am I supposed to cook?….which is what I said. Nothing, she says, leave me alone I want to die. That is when i really lost it, and said this nonsense has to stop now. Heather is coming again ( 4th time in a week) and, yes, you are going to have a shower. I don’t even want to knwo what my blood pressure is right now.
      She even rejected a nice pop up Halloween card I gave her yesterday. She said she was not into those anymore.
      I am just so tired of not being able to do anything that works for her anymore. And, I am doing this dam cooking with a back that is screaming to stop.
      I am so sorry to do all this complaining, I just need to vent this morning. Please forgive my crazy family crap….LOL I want to get my sense of humor, and anticipation for Halloween back. I just feel like tkaing all the decorations down, and be done with all.
      I hope you are feeling ok, and you are always in my prayers, as well as the rest of my good buddies.
      The Red Sox won last night- the game ended real late.
      Love you!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      It is freezing here. There is a freeze watch for overnight & the weatherman used that nasty 4 letter word for Sunday morning. Its going to be a looooooooong winter. Hope I can afford the heat bill. I hated to turn it on so early but had to do it because beside the cold it is also windy.
      I took my garbage down to the dumpster today but that may be my last trip. My building sold so the new landlord was here yesterday & he is getting us bins on wheels that we can just roll out for pick up. That will be nicer than going down to the dumpster when it gets icy. He seems to be nice & reasonable. Answered my questions & left me his number. So I hope he will fix things quicker when things need done.
      DD send a little warmth.
      Adele you food sounds good to me. You may need to get Tillie some of that supplement that people can drink when they are not eating. We had to get it for dad. I also made pudding & jello for him. It is not a hot meal but at least maybe you can get something into her. If she still does not eat they will put in a feeding tube & she won’t want that.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG, Sue=!
      I did not remember about the liquid supplements. Thanks for reminding me.
      I am so glad you got a better landlord. I hope he fixes things for you, and maybe can fix the draft from your door, whihc you mentioned last year. that will save on oil for you.
      Tonight is Blue Bloods!
      had some good news on Tillie. She finally took her shower yesterday, with Heather helping, of course. i was getting real worried about that! She still has one spot oner that I worry about- a bed sore. Had her Pt person check it today. She said it was red, but, not infected.
      Also told her she has to come up for dinner tonight. I Think we will get Chinese. She loves ( at least I hope she will today) the egg drop soup, and the chicken lo mein, and the steamed dumplings. Pray for the best!!
      I even gave her Pt person a little soup to take with ehr for her lunch today. Her PT person is making my recipe for meatloaf tonight. ISn’t tat funny? the pt person is using our recipes, and Tillie ison strike….LOL
      I ahve to tell you a funny. We have Kohl’s up here- I think you have them too. i ordered me and Gary 2 pairs of the “jammies for your family”- one for Hannukah, one that says “this family loves Christmas” andone for winter with dancing flamingos…..LOL LOL I got them on sale, with my 30% off coupon. I just hope they fit my chubby bits. Iknow they will fit GAry, as he has lost so much weight.
      I also hated to turn the heat on. I have mine on real low- 64 in the day, and 62 at night. Our house is very well insulated, and we do nto get drafts, so I can do that up here. not downstairs- it has to be warmer down there, due to the concrete floor under the rug, and Tillie’s age. I can save up here. Gary wears a t shirt under his jammies when it is winter, and a sweater over, if he needs it. i am comfy on my 3 piece Carole Hochman jammies, and at night watching TV, I use my throw, or add one of those snuggly bed jackets I got on Amazon. Even so, we spend 3000.00 on oil each year. I do the budget of 300.00 a month. I am glad I have a locked in price for this year, as anything could happen in the crazy world.
      I am getting worried about Colleen. Have nto heard from her. I hope it is a simple computer thing.
      Have a good one- cold up here, with wind too! red Sox won!!! I sold more bras…..LOL

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Yes, we’re in for a warmer fall & winter this yr. At least that’s what the national weather service is telling us. Sue, I wish I could send you some warmer weather. This is so out of the realm of normal for us it isn’t funny. Two yrs ago we were having the wettest Oct. on record. By this time we had 5 + inches of rain, with more on the way. It had been stormy there was a waterspout that hit the coast. It looks like our weather patterns are totally flip flopped.
      Pleeeeeease say some prayers for my fur baby, Jewell. She’s doing what she did last month. And of course I’m dead broke, which doesn’t help.
      Adele, I wish I had words of wisdom to tell ya about Tillie. Maybe the ‘blow up’ did some good. You can cook for me anytime!!! I’ll hop on my broom & be there by morning. LOL. Oh, Kay used to drink Carnation’s instant breakfast. She’d get the powder & mix it with milk & it’d stick with her for hrs. And say, would she eat old fashioned oatmeal? That’d stick to her ribs. Those protein drinks would be good.

      Our Trail Blazers beat La Bron James last night, yeahhhhhh!!! I see the Red Sox are in the World Series. IT seems like it gets later & later in the yr. We have the NFL, & NBA all playing & the WS still hasn’t started yet. It’ll be snowing before they get going.

      Well, I guess that’s all for tonight.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! IT didn’t give me a chance to sign off.
      Have a great weekend.
      dd & Jewell

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It is in the low 60s here; gets colder at night. Lots of leaves are dropping off our trees. Yes, they did catch the man who was running from the officers the other night fairly quickly. He drove away from here to an interstate that runs through Memphis, and was stopped somewhere on there; I think trying to get to Nashville. Yes, we do have the security system Adele, and have had it ever since we built our home. It helps me feel better just knowing when the alarm is set that I can hear if anyone tries to open a door or window. It has a really loud alarm that you can hear all over. Several of our neighbors have the same system. But yes, it really does help to know Joey is so close by. He came up last night (I had made tacos and baked some chocolate chip cookies lol). Jerry said “I should have known Joey was coming when you started baking” I said oh hush, you know you are going to eat some cookies too. We had a great visit with him. Lisa works late on Friday night with the sports medicine doctor at the high school football game. They have had this program with the schools for several years now. Joey has lost about 20 pounds in the last year, and of course we are worried. But he assures us that he has been careful with his diet, and has practically eliminated all fast food, and he did say that he knows that some stress has had some to do with it, but that he is where he wants to be with his weight, and for us not to worry. I was glad to hear that he is really enjoying vegetables more, and he tells us that he knows how unhealthy fast food is for the most part. We sent a bag of Gala apples with him too. Jerry insisted on that. I was proud of him; since Jerry picked out the apples for him at the store earlier that day. He fusses; but I know he is a lot talk. lol
      Sorry your bones are aching you all so badly. Behind my knees has been “talking” to me. Adele, the spot that the wire hurts me is a rib that runs right under my boobie on the left side. It runs from front to back. The bend of my legs in the back, and under my shoulder blades and the bend of my elbows. Poor Jerry and his back. I am going to ask about the medical marijuana at the doctor. I have heard some good things about it really giving some patients relief.
      Gail, isn’t your Branson trip soon? Hope you have a wonderful time. Remember to take some Kirks Folly jewelry with you. Those just make me feel happy when I wear it. Hope your son is doing well.
      DD, you know I will be praying for your little kitty baby. I know she is the light of your life and it upsets us to see our little fur babies not feeling well. So give her a sweet rub from Auto Kitty. Good thoughts coming your way. Your Autumn pictures make me feel so good. Thank you for them.
      Better close for now. Take care everyone, prayers for all who are not feeling too well, and for all of our worries about those we love. Hugs, Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      I heard it will be a milder winter too. Go figure. All that means to me is ice instead of snow…..LOL
      Tillie doe seat oatmeal. We are having left over soup tonight, and she doesn’t want any. She had chicken broccoli and ziti from take out last night, but, would nto come upstairs in her nightgown. heather and I shared a pizza.
      I will see if she will do the drinks, but she said she doesn’t want diary either. It is getting very frustrating, trying to feed her.
      I am attaching a pic of the cookies I made form the Boo Fetti cookie jar recipe. they were a hit. I made Apple cider muffins this am. She did eat one of those.
      Of course I will say a prayer for Jewell. I hope she is better today. It is awful when an animal gets sick,and the prices are through the roof.
      I hope you are ok too.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi BArbara!
      I am so glad we heard from you, as you know what a worry wart I can be.
      I am worried about Colleen. I pray nothing is wrong, and it is just computer issues.
      I will try to attach another oic of the ghost cookies I made….LOL I have gone back to therapy baking. Due to the back, I have all the baking dishes stored in the oven on top of the stove….LOL LOL So, if the mood arises, no issues with lifting.
      hope Jerry can get some help with his back. I go Tuesday, latein the day to see my back doctor. Even with the prednisone, it gets very sore at aorund 4pm, every day. I have 6 mores days on the med, but go to 3 tomorrow, etc.
      It is chilly and windy up here.

      I hope everyone will be rooting for the Sox with us….LOL LOL

      Hope your bones are feeling better too. As soon as the weather changes, bam.

      The Q is doing all kitchen food stuff today. I got those kitchen shears, and will give the girls a pair int he stockings.
      HAve a good one…so happy you have some special dinner time with Joey!!!
      Forgot to tell you, Enzo was delivering packages to our street today (USPS) and he came in for a break for a muffin and some cookies….LOL

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      I hope everyone is having a good Sunday. IT’s kind of a lazy day here. It’s been sunny & in the 60s, but foggy in the morning. I woke up one morning & I thought it was 4 AM. It was 7 AM. The fog was so dense I couldn’t see the street lights a block away! Rain is supposed to return this week. Some places have freeze warnings up for the overnight hrs.
      Adele, there’s a full hr of Temptations on at 7 PM your time. They had an hr of it late last night & they still had some Boofetti. They have a lot of new items esp for the holidays. They sell out really fast tho. Then after that there’s 3 hrs of ITKWM to round out the day. Did I tell ya I got those 4 mini bakers? They are ADORABLE!!!! Toooooooo cute!!!
      Barbara, thank you for the prayers for Jewell. She seems to be back to normal now. I hope it stays that way. The fire alarm is going off & it scares her to death. I put her in the bedroom & close the door. Most of the time she’s in there sleeping, so I just close her in. The alarm is ear piercing loud!!!
      Sue, I hope the weather has warmed up a bit for ya. I don’t like the cold either. My left elbow really aches in the cold weather. It’s the one I popped out of the socket when I fell walking home yrs ago. One of us needs to win that big lottery & buy an island we can live on during the winter months.
      Adele, LOL I just received your post. Thank you for the prayers.
      Well, that’s all for now.
      dd & Jewell

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      It is still cold here. Was only 44 with wind & will drop to the 30’s tonight. Even rained this morning. I would love to see a sunny day in the 60’s but not gonna happen. We are to have an awful winter here.
      I ordered some of the Landies pretzels today for Dec shipment & some of the oven mitts. Will give some away.
      I don’t know anything about Colleen. She has not been on in over a week & she usually thinks no one can have a Birthday without her wishes. I think it is great to wish your friends Happy Birthday but a lot of people on here only register to enter the sweepstakes & don’t come back. So that is odd her not doing Birthdays. Maybe someone made her mad. It could be anything so I guess when she wants to she will be back.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      I’m back. I see Colleen hasn’t been here even to write birthdays. I thought maybe she was busy helping Mandy to move but maybe they have internet problems. We are switching servers soon so I may be without in the interim too.
      Adele, sounds like things are much the same with Tillie. You will have to take it day by day. You will have to learn to meditate to destress-or just drink a lot of wine. lol
      We had a wonderful visit with Brent. I was afraid that he would look too thin but he looked fine to me. I can’t believe we went to Branson and didn’t see one show but we had a twelve year old with us so we mostly went to different things like museums and zoos. We did try to get into Dolly Parton’s Stampede one day but the show time that we wanted to see was sold out. The rest of us had been before but Wendy and Jonah never had so I wanted them to be able to go.
      I wanted to go to Joe’s Crab Shack for my birthday so we did that. Years ago we took Brent and Kim out for his birthday to The Texas Roadhouse-they have this saddle that you have to sit on while they sing happy birthday and ever since we did that to him he’s been wanting to pay me back. Well he did! They made me wear a coconut bra and a hula skirt while they sang happy birthday and if I stopped hulaing they would start the song all over. Little did they know I did the hula in ballet class when I was seven so I had this down pat. lol So Brent waited and waited but finally got his revenge.
      We had a good time and the place we stayed was a lovely hotel up in the mountains. The drive from town to there was a bit hard on my nerves as I don’t like mountain driving but we made it! lol
      We were going to go to Sliver Dollar City on Friday but it was raining that day so we decided to do indoor pursuits and go on Saturday instead when the weather would be better. Well everyone and his brother had the same idea. It took us an hour and a half to get to the place as there was traffic backed up for miles. And once you got there you could barely move or see anything or get on rides because of the crowds. Greg and I had been there before but Brent and Wendy and Jonah had not so I felt bad that it was so crowded. It was like Disney crowds in a place that was not set up for that.
      I must admit that all the walking aggravated my knee that gets the baker’s cyst so right now when I first get up in the morning walking on my right leg is extremely painful. Once I’m up and walking around it’s okay but the first five minutes is excruciating.
      So we got home and saw there was about four broken trees in the front yard so we must have had a wind storm. I texted Jenny and she said we had heavy winds and snow on Saturday. When I went to turn the TV on to access my recorded programs it said that our hard disk was dead. So we unplugged and replugged the receiver multiple times and nothing so we have a guy here now putting in new receivers for Dish. Greg came home from work early as he doesn’t trust me to know where all the wires for everything are. lol Better him than me.
      I told him to hire someone to cut up all the wood from the downed trees but I’ll bet he won’t. He’ll do it all himself. Our neighbor did offer to help him though so maybe he will take help from him.
      Well I guess this will be our last trip for the year. Next year hopefully I won’t have to worry about my legs on trips after the vein surgery is done.
      DD I’m glad Jewell is doing well.
      Barbara, I’m glad that Joey stopped by for some home cookin. lol I hope you and Jerry come up with a plan for pain relief.
      It’s sunny and in the low 50’s today.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Your asking me to root for the Reds when the Patriots beat the Bears on Sunday!!! Actually, if Milwaukee had gotten in instead of the Dodgers we would have cheered for them but now we don’t have any skin in the game either way.
      How was your doctor visit today. Hope the back is feeling better.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      HI Everyone,
      Congrats to the Red Sox on winning the first game. Temps will be a lot different when they play in LA.
      The darn seasons for sports keep getting longer and longer. They really should not be playing baseball around Halloween-especially not in the northern states.
      We used to help Jenny take the kids out trick or treating when they were little. But now they just run around with their friends while the mothers try to keep up so we have been retired from that job.
      We are getting the new internet service put in on Friday. Then we still have to get new phone service. We were all on the same one with Greg’s partner out in Idaho because it is through work. But his partner wants to drop Verizon so we are just going to get our own services separately now. I hope the new service will be good. I can’t stand when the internet is bad and you have to fiddle with it. So far the upgrade on the Dish has been good and I am enjoying the hopper.
      Speaking of the hopper and joeys when we were at the zoo in Branson there was a kangaroo with a baby in it’s pouch and you could see the legs sticking out. It was an awful big baby for that mother kangaroo to be carrying around. It looked really weird-like the mother had some sort of growth and should have been in Ripley’s Believe It or Not. lol
      I am still having problems with my one leg. It hurts like hell when I try to walk in the morning. If it doesn’t get better through the weekend I will have to call the rheumatologist. Plus if I can’t walk right I may have to push back the vein surgery. We’ll see how the next several days go.
      We really didn’t get much Indian summer here. Some years October has been so hot but this year I am in long sleeves and long pants and shoes and socks.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD, and everyone!
      So sorry I have not been on. Monday was a tough Tillie day, but after I went to the doctor yesterday, I had a heart to heart chat with her again. I think this finally worker, or there has been a miracle. She got up yesterday, but kept going into her chair,and that is ok. Today she has been up, and even put sheets into the laundry. her voice sounds normal, and not the sad, half crying kind of whine. It was good to hear her voice today, and I am God thankful.
      Told her she is not dying, and did she really want to live her end of life in her chair, waiting for a day that could come in years? no matter what it is, I am thrilled, and hope she stays this way.
      I am so thrilled your beautiful kitty is better again. Thank God!!!
      I did miss another thing I would have got in the pumpkin pattern- the scalloped dish/bowl. I was able to get the harvest crock, as I have a red one and it is so big,you cannot believe how many utensils I have in it.
      It is very chilly here. Do You believe we had a huge thunderstorm yesterday, and after it a rainbow at Fenway Park- and…..wait for it, they had another rainbow today, after a rain shower!! The storm had tornados in it, and a lightning strike hit about a mile from here and destroyed a Church in the next town. We had just returned from the doctor, and were eating downstairs with Tillie- she wanted McDonalds….LOL Hey- had that new fancy burger, and I couldn’t believe how good it was. The meat was delicious, as well as the sauce, and artisan roll- tried something new….LOL
      Now, on to me. Doctor thought I had a stress fracture- do not. I have huge bone spurs on several vertebrae above the repair her did- screws and pins are still in place too. Well, he said the soft tissue must have been stuck over the spurs, hence the awful noise, and severe pain. As it has been 4 weeks already, it is on the way to healing, and the swelling reduced due to the prednisone. He was worried about today, as today I am at only 2 pills, and the next 2 days, one pill each. If the pain returns, I am to call him asap, even on his cell, if I can’t get him. Well, the pain is back tonight. It is not as bad, but it is there. So, I am adding the Celebrex back tonight, and hope it will stop. If not, have to call him. Dam. I am hoping it is tired from all the walking, stairs, in and out of Jeep, and taking those x rays, standing up….LOL Please say a tiny prayer for that…..LOL
      They won last night, and we will be watching again tonight. I really love the new coach, Alex Cora. What a good man.
      Have a good one!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      Please read the post to DD for all the news.
      I feel like you do. Very worried about Colleen. i am praying nothing happened to her. Or, maybe her Mom too. I have been praying.
      If we do nto hear, I hope I will remember to drop her a note. Remember when I got everyone’s addresses to do cards last year? I am glad we did that.
      Have a good one. Freezing for the Sox game tonight.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey GAilster
      Glad You had such a good time. you all deserved that. Also thrilled you found Brent looking well. Sorry about the trees,and Dish. The storms ahve een awful lately. I am glad the damage was nto worst.
      Please read the other posts, as the back is getting more sore. I will ahve to be quick,and i have one mroe to read….LOL
      I will chat more tomorrow. go Sox!
      PS…we are getting a Nor’easter this weekend. Seriously??

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      yes i am asking you to root for the Sox….LOL I will tell the Pats to leave you alone.
      LOL LOL
      See notes on doc in DD’s post, please….

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      It’s good to hear that maybe Tillie has had a change of heart. I hope things keep progressing. Hope the back is better today.
      Greg is out lumberjacking. I knew he would do it all by himself. he thinks he is Paul Bunyan. And instead of Babe the blue ox he has his blue pick up truck for hauling the wood. We won’t have to buy fire wood for three years with all the trees we lost this year.
      I don’t know who won the baseball game last night. Rainbows over Fenway Park. Sounds like a sign. We root for the two teams with the most iconic parks in baseball. Fenway and Wrigley. Personally I think Wrigley is such a dump when compared to the newer stadiums but they will never replace it or there would be a mutiny. It’s like being in a bomb shelter and the bathrooms are the pits-literally. lol In my old age I appreciate new and comfortable.
      The Q has on Christmas programming today. I wish there was more new stuff. However I did order the new Quacker Christmas shirt with the tree with the sequins that change color when you brush your hand over them. I was hoping they would do something like that. Usually I would have started shopping and gathering things by now but I am a slow starter this year. Thank goodness for Amazon.
      Piper had been sick with a fever earlier so hopefully she is better and we can see the kids tomorrow. I need my child fix. lol
      Every day I hope I will come here and Colleen would have shown back up.
      I think we are going to skip Indian summer this year as we have gone straight to cold. So many years I am still wearing short sleeves in October but not this year.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Just read the last one from the other day.
      I hope your legs are feeling better. I Know even DD is feeling the affects of the changing of the seasons, as she said something last week about it.
      I also hope the install of the new internet service goes without a hitch.
      Yesterday, we had no electricity for most of the day. They were doing the final connection of the new lines in the neighborhood. I was out of control, as when the electric goes out the smoke alarms continue to sound until it is back on again. So, I had to listen to 4 1/2 hours of non stop….”warning, warning carbon monoxide”. I think it is still ringing in my ears. I have realized as I get older there is very little tolerance for any sort of inconvenience…..LOL LOL
      So, am I becoming the crotchety old lady?? LOL
      It is quite chilly up here, but sunny. We are getting a Nor’easter tomorrow. Seriously?? No Indian summer here.
      Hope you are good- have you heard from Colleen? No response to the second email I sent. ue sent a message to Christine- totally forgot about asking her.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      Still nothing on Colleen. Not good. All we can do is say a prayer nothing awful happened. She is such a sweetheart. I hope she is not in any kind of difficulty with herself, or a family member.
      Also hope Greg doesn’t do any damage to his back. What is up with the guys who still think they are 20????
      We are on to game 3 tonight….wooohaa!! Go Sox!!
      Hope all goes well there today. Also hope our cutie Piper is better too. It is the time of year for the kids to start getting sick, and I hate that. Both Bobby and Marissa have awful colds.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Our weather is the same as Adele’s minus the sun. First no summer now no fall. Our trees did not even get nice colors just got brown. We are getting the Nor’easter too lots of rain (we don’t need) and snow mixed in.
      Could you have removed the batteries from the detectors or is yours all electric? Mine has a battery & I just had Luke put a new battery in when he took out my A/C. You had no electric & I am thinking they will cut our water any minute as they are digging up the road next door & there equipment is blocking my car so I could go nowhere if I wanted too. Glad I did my errands yesterday.
      I think every joint in my body is hurting from the cold. My legs made walking difficult yesterday but I kept going. And my shoulder has been hurting I can hardly move my arm. And my physical therapist said the weather does not effect the body. Just wait until he gets older I bet he will change his tune then.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Sue
      We are both getting blasted with rain and wind tomorrow.
      How can any PT person say the weather does not affect the joints? Wow. How old is he? 12? I think everyone looks 12 to me now….LOL
      I hope they do not cut your water line- that would be awful.
      Neither Gary, nor I can reach the detectors. I would have needed a Minnion. Good idea, though. After they came back on, we had to get Frankie to change all the batteries, as the battery back-up went dead, and they still did that annoying one beep every minute thing. It was the day from hell here yesterday. I now realize how much I like the quiet….LOL
      Hope your day goes well!
      PS….I saw that change color shirt too late- out of stock fast!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Your therapist must still be wet behind the ears. Weather can affect physical health and mental health.
      I hope they don’t spring a leak and have to turn your water off.
      You really have had rotten weather. I hope your winter is mild. One good thing is you no longer have to go out and get to work in the bad weather.
      Glad you got your shopping done before you got blocked in.
      We really have not had pretty colors on the trees this year either. Maybe too wet in September?

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Greg definitely thinks he should still be able to do the same things that he did at 20. It drives me nuts because then he gets himself all sore and can’t figure out why. Duh!
      Here’s something funny. Last night before we turned on the regular programs that we watch he was watching a baseball game. I wasn’t paying much attention. So we turn on our regular programs and he goes to catch a score online and says why does the internet show that no game is being played tonight? I go I don’t know maybe because there isn’t one on? Sure enough he was watching the game from the night before on a sports channel and he didn’t even know the difference. lol What a difference in weather playing conditions between LA and Boston.
      My SIL said she had a cold too. She was worried because last year at this time she had a cold that turned to pneumonia and she was in the hospital until right before her wedding. They have a vacation planned for right around the same time so she’s hoping she will be better soon.
      Finally this morning I was able to get up and walk without the cane so I hope the bakers cyst is resolving on it’s own this time. It seems to help if I stretch and flex the leg before I try to stand on it. Once I’m up and around I’m fine but anytime I lye down or put my feet straight out on an ottoman I have problems.
      Well we have the new dish system in and now the new internet. Now I have to connect all my devices to the new internet and I have a bunch. So the last thing is I need my new phone and phone service. My phone was getting so old-it would shut itself off-not charge and do all sorts of goofy things.
      Your house must have all the alarms hard wired. Our little Peeka poo Belle would literally climb onto my head when those alarms would go off. She was fearless but not where alarms were concerned.
      I’m like you so I am cranky too. The older I get the less I can cope with inconveniences. I have to send this quick as Greg is messing with the new internet and screwing everything up.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster and all
      I was doing the Halloween Ghost cookies, while hearing about the tragedy in Pa. When will this all stop? I even told Gary not to mention he is Jewish to anyone anymore. I hear the Rabbi say( this am on the news) that even though he was a Rabbi, prayers are not enough anymore.
      A 98 year old man was killed. Imagine living 98 years, to be killed by a bullet in your synagogue? We are living in a very awful world. Some days I feel there is not enough sparkle and shine to dim the violence all around us.
      Well, that is enough for my soap box today.
      I hope Sue is nowhere near that area. I have been thinking about her all day.
      I am glad your internet is all shiny and new. I hope you find the phone that suits all your needs. A new phone is so complicated today.
      So, today I am making a roasted chicken with potato and spaghetti squash. It is chilly and gloomy here. As the rain stopped, Bobby went out and did all the outside windows, with that cool outdoor hose Windex window cleaner.
      Tillie is gloomy today. She was thanking me for everything. I told her no need to thank me, just get up here to eat, as I would like to have dinner with my mother while she is still breathing.
      IS everyone getting ready for the trick or treaters???? The boys were sick. They were both throwing, and at one point, when they were both clean, Aizen threw up all over JJ, so Steph ahd to clean them both up again. I Know this sounds awful, but I found that one funny……because I was not the one who had to clean it up. I hope JJ tells that story at Aizen’s wedding some day….LOL LOL
      ITKWd is on….. Sox game was unbelievable!!!!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Adele we could all use a cookie to make it better.
      The shooting was in Pittsburgh not close to me. I am in central PA about midway between Pittsburgh & Philadelphia. We did have another tragedy closer to here but not real close. Some lady was speeding & driving eradically & the police tried to stop her & she would not stop so they halted the chase but she kept going. She came to an intersection in front of a school & there was an 8 car collision. Two high school students are dead so far. I hope no others die. Just this past week I lost another classmate. She was killed in a head on crash. The highways are getting so dangerous because people drive to fast & don’t pay attention (cannot stay off their phones).
      Sorry the boys are sick. There is a lot going around.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Where has this month gone? For that matter the year!!! Blink & it’ll be turkey day then the Big day not long after. Isn’t turkey day late this yr? I don’t have any plans just yet. That’s okay tho. I can start decorating for Christmas. It takes me longer these days.

      When is this violence going to end?? How many mass killings is it going to take to get something done??!! I thought that mass killing of children would/should’ve done something. Then there was Vegas last yr. Still nothing done. God forbid we step on the toes of those who wants to do harm to people close to them or complete strangers by passing stricter gun laws. I believe there are countries that don’t allow guns. When the 2nd amendment was written they had muskets. I don’t think they had AR-15s or semi automatics or any of the other guns we have now.
      We just had a big down pour a while ago. I can still hear thunder off in the distance. It appears our rainy season has finally arrived. No snow in the ski areas yet. It could be a lean yr if they don’t get much snow this yr.

      Those cookies are so cute, Adele. I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies the other day & they didn’t turn out. I guess I’m losing my touch. I got a couple turkey thighs, so I’m gonna bake them later today & have em with Stove Top & veggie.
      Not much going on here, so I’ll close for now.

      Have a good week

      dd & Jewell

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Everybody,
      Well I am back. My computer has gone out and we had to get a new one. This time we got a lap top and it is hard to learn how to use. Either Ron or I will be living out in the shed before it is over with. Yesterday I lost a lot of my e-mails so anyone who wrote to me I was ignoring you I just could not find you back .
      Did all of you watch the Halloween Wars? really it got really good at the end. I really thought the came up with some good ideas. I did like the team that won. They seemed to work really well together. The team they were competeing with seem to fall apart at the end. I could neverbake like that. I could see you Adele making those cakes. Mayybe not as scary but just as good. By the time I get done with this you will not be able to read anything. I keep hitting wrong keys this is hard for me to learn.
      I have not had time to read everyones e-mails but will try and get some of them read tomorrow. See how many I can read before I lose the site.
      Ladies do not give up on this country. We have to stay strong or we all lose and we cannot afford that. We just have to keep the faith.
      Well I am going to get off of here. I liked all the pictures that were posted they remind me of when we were kids. Adele the ghst cookies look really good.
      Everyone have a good night

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Glad to see you’re back. We figured it was computer troubles but you were gone a long time so we were worried. We missed you!
      I didn’t watch Halloween Wars but I have seen some of the old shows and they do make some fantastic creations.
      You will get used to the laptop. Greg and I each keep ours on those tray tables that the Q sells. I actually have never used a desk top. When we had one it was before I really ever used a computer much. Does Ron use the computer much or is it mostly you?
      How did Mandy’s move go? Do they live far from you now?
      I would never give up on this country. It’s the best country there is-otherwise why would so many different people want to come here. However, we need to do better addressing all the senseless violence. When people can no longer feel safe in their churches and their schools we know there is a problem that needs to be looked at.
      Enjoy the new computer and welcome back.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      It drives me nuts when I still see people driving and holding the phone. Don’t they know it’s against the law. Personally I don’t even think hands free is that safe. I see Greg talking to work when we travel and I know even though he’s hands free his mind is not totally on the road. That’s a tragedy that that happened in your area.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I know what you mean about the story with JJ and Aizen. It’s funny but not funny. Not funny if you are JJ or Steph but funny for you.
      Your cookies are very cute. Are they just made from meringue? They must be very light.
      What is this windex window spray thing. We need something to make washing the outside of the windows easy. Do you attach it to a hose or something?
      We don’t get any trick or treaters here so we are as prepared as we are gonna be. The houses are too far apart to make it worth anyone one’s time to come out here. The kids from the country will go into town to trick or treat. Jenny’s kids go around their subdivision so that’s perfect for them. They were at Adam’s this weekend and I think he took them to trunk and treat at one of the local car dealerships. I know they were packing their costumes when we were there on Friday. I know this is the way things are now and I’m getting used to it but I always feel a little sad when I see them being picked up on a Friday night to go to their Dad’s house.
      I must brag on Kendall-she got straight A’s this last grading period. The smaller ones don’t get grades in their levels yet.
      Congrats to the Red Sox on winning the World Series.
      So here’s a question for you,Adele, with all the cooking that you do I never hear you mention that you make Boston baked beans. Do you? I make a baked beans recipe that I got from a friend who got it from her aunt who was the wife of a farmer-so it’s kind of a down home recipe. It’s one of those things that’s hard to write down as you sort of eye ball it and do it to taste.
      When will your big parade be?

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Very cute old fashioned style pictures. You find so many nice things to post.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG, Sue! That is terrible. We have not heard about that yet. What is wrong with people? I feel like my life is in my hands when I am on the highway lately. nobody lets you out, or off the highway anymore.
      I am so sorry about your friend. It seems like we are losing people, left and right. Our social life is doctor appointments, and funerals. Very sad to be at this age, and awful for everyone. I hope you are comforted by good memories of your friend. Sending prayers your way.
      Thank you for your kind feelings about the boys. Steph said they were better yesterday.
      I hope your day is going well. We had a huge thunderstorm up here, and tornado warnings. We now have a leak in the living room ceiling. I had to get the new valance I made off the window, and move a chair. So,here we go again, with damage from storms. I hope this doe snot cost to much. The roof is not old- about 6 years.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey DD
      I feel the same way you do. All these murders make me sick. I cried when I heard an 98 year old man died in synagogue. Living 98 years to die worshiping God is just not acceptable to me. Nor was it when they shot up the black church, the school, Las vegas, etc. Enough.
      I bet you just missed putting one ingredient in the cookies. We all have those days. Your next batch will come put fabulous, I Know it will. Go DD!!!
      The Sox won. So to get Gary’s size in a shirt, I was on the website before they got the last guy out, and when it loaded with the winning world series gear, there were only 4 left in Gary’s size. I had wanted that cool red shirt the coach wore, and lost out on that one, so I didn’t wnat to miss out on another one for him.
      Did You watch the game?

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Thank God you are back. I was imagining the worst. Your absence was becoming a Halloween Horror Movie!!!
      I still have to catch up on the Halloween baking shows- have one on right now.
      The cookies are disappearing…like the ghosts they are. All the people who had them last year, have been waiting for them.. How funny is that!
      I hope you get used to your new laptop. The new technology is easier, once you learn how to use it. With us old biddies, it is harder to get the hang o f it….LOL
      We can’t give up on our country, I totally agree. We have to fight to get the right people in office to represent our needs. Vote next week!!
      PS…so glad you’re back!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      Looks like the parade will be on Halloween. how funny is that?? Read my post to DD for me getting a shirt for GAry, before it was sold out. I got hats for all our boys too, and one for Heather.
      Congrats to Kendall- go Kenda;!!!!!!
      Want to hear something really gross?? Well, I am telling you anyway……so, Heather was real tired the other night, and took a drink from her water on the end table, ( in an uncovered mug) not looking inside. She feels something in her mouth, which also bit her, and she spits it out. It was one of those green spiders, with all the long legs. She said her tongue was numb for a while, and the spider was all curled up in shock. Mr Spidey went down the garbage disposal…..LOL LOL LOL Moral to the story…always look inside your water in the Fall.
      I am so sorry for how you feel when the kids leave on Fridays. All of you had so much fun every Friday. How are the kids doing with the new routine? It is so good that the parents have remained friends.
      I ahve done the baked beans. they take a long time to cook, so I rarely make them, when the b&M new fancy beans taste so good!
      HAve a good night. I also agree the violence needs to stop now. This is America.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      HI Ladies,
      Just a quick note to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Stay safe everyone.
      dd & Jewell

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Happy Halloween to you too, DD!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I’m glad that you got Gary his shirt in time. How about Bobby? I think I just went to Kohl’s or something when the Cubs won the series and got my shirt there. Or maybe I ordered it off a website too.
      For an area that never gets tornado warnings you have had an awful lot lately. You must be getting the ones that we didn’t get this year. October has been cold here. I can remember other years when I was still wearing short sleeves but not this year.
      I am always paranoid about a bug getting in my drink. Especially after I hear about people swallowing bees. If I am outside with a soda can I keep my hand over the opening the whole time. I would prefer to use a sippy cup outside. lol
      The kids seem to be making the transition to going to their Dad’s every other weekend just fine. It’s grandma that’s having a hard time. We still get to see them and it doesn’t take away from our time with them as he picks them up after nine. It just makes me sad thinking about when they get older and maybe won’t want to go. Or maybe they will get mad at Jenny when they are teens and want to stay with their Dad. There are so many scenarios. Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about it so I will learn to cope.
      I used to make the baked beans a lot but it makes such a big batch that I hardly make them anymore-like a lot of other things.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Happy Halloween to all!!

      Love, Adele

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey GAilster
      Well, the shirt is still in processing. Bobby did nto want a shirt- he only wanted a hat. Nothing has been sent out yet. I thought they would be here today, for parade day. Not.
      I have been freaking about the tornadoes. We sprung a leak with that storm- water coming n the living room. A repair person is coming tomorrow to check,and give an estimate. I could scream. Took off the window treatment, and moved my chair out of the way. getting a dam storm again on Friday-thunderstorm. SeriouslY? It will be November.
      I don’t feel good. Hot, my face is swollen and blotchy. I hope I am not getting sick. Not thrilled I don’t feel good on Halloween.
      So, Jhonny calls yesterday to ask if I would watch The Aizen, while they go for a walk in Breakheart. Hell ya! the little guy runs up the driveway, while singing….”I am going to be babysat, I am going to be babysat”. We chit chatted a while, and then I started to cut the veggies for the American Chop Suey. Gave him a pice of a raw red pepper- he didn’t like it….LOL Also did ntollike any of the Halloween houses making noise- he hid under a chair. So he is watching me saute the veggies, and when I added the burger he says…”hey Nana, that looks like Tacos”. When they got back her he told them he did not want to leave, becasue he was having fun. Jhonny came back later to get some American chop Suey, as they love it, and it was nowhere near done. They will be back today to Trick or Treat.
      Saw Jenny’s post on Facebook, because I got an email on it. I ahve not been on there much. Just to ay happy birthday to people, or post my cookie pics.
      I am posting the pic of the ornaments I did for Steph. Also the ghost cookies, as I am not sure I attached them before.
      Hope you have a good night!
      Happy Halloween!!!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey all…checkout the Big Old Witch and her tiny Warlock…..LOL LOL
      Love you guys!

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      I just typed a nice long note to you all and of course, POOF off it goes to never never land/frustrates me so badly. Not much new here; but rainy tonight. Most of our little ghosts are going to the local church for their celebrating the night. It is so much safer that way. We did get to facetime with Colin today. He is a really big talker now. Our son did say to us how much he misses their “cuddle” time since he is in the run everywhere stage. I said son, he just has so much energy and the only speed he has at this stage is wide open. He said he will kiss him if he tells him he has a “boo boo” or if the baby thinks he has possibly hurt Neal with the ball or something. He is constantly asking Neal “are you ok, DaDa?” and Neals says Im okay. It is sweet. Hope all your grandchildren are feeling better. And all of you too. Our aches and pains are just that; an ache and pain in our backsides. How I would love to be able to just run and swim and play games again.
      Better go or will lose this. May be the storms here this evening. Hope you all are ok from all this crazy weather we have been having. Take care, will write more hopefully tomorrow. Adele, I am praying Ms. Tillie has had a change of heart and is doing better. Hugs on Halloween, Barbara

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      I just started a post & it disappeared. Luckily I’d just started. I hope everyone had a good Halloween. I didn’t have any trick or treaters. Being on the 12th floor has its perks.

      We’ve had some pretty wild weather the past few days. Today was calmer. Sunday & Monday we had some tornados. One was down in the valley about 70 miles southeast of here, rural area. Then Monday we had a couple more closer to Portland. Sunday I think I told ya we had some really strong downpours. That’s when the tornado hit. They weren’t expecting anything like that. Monday they broke into programming with breaking news with a tornado warning. We don’t get those very often. As far as I know, no one was injured, but there was damage done to some green houses, & a shed or two. The twisters were EF0 & EF1. I didn’t see em, except on the news.

      Adele, congrats to the Red Sox for winning the WS. I rooted for em when they won it a few yrs ago. If I remember right, they hadn’t won for a very long time. I used to get into the WS, but the past few yrs I can’t get into it. I used to be able to rattle off stats like a sportscaster.
      I think those pics of you are adorable. You really go all out. LOL
      Barbara, that’s so cute about Colin. At his age they only have one speed, full throttle. I couldn’t keep up with a little one.
      Colleen it’s good to see you back. Take your time with the new laptop. I would think it’d be programmed to walk you thru everything. I;ve had mine for awhile now & I’m still learning things about it. Just take your time. When I was learning how to use a computer way back when I worked for HP, I had a mental block for the longest time, then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. When I realized it was easier than I thought, I wondered how I could be so dumb. And as the old saying goes, when all else fails, read the directions. Or call the manufacturer for help. Good luck!!!!

      I hope next weeks election blows up in someone’s face BIG TIME!!! I think he’s a lunatic!! He’s going to change the Constitution with the stroke of a pen
      give me a break!! Next he’ll be changing the Ten Commandments!!
      He better be watching China & Russia. They’ll be the invaders. They’ll be coming in & he’ll be looking elsewhere. That’s how they work.

      Well, I better get off here before I lose this one.

      take care

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034
    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Starting November thread. See you all there!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Barbara
      Well, Miss Tillie is no better. Still no shower, not coming up for dinner. The Pt wman akse dme to call the doctor for an anti anxiety med- doctor said he has not seen her in a year. he added that if the nurse feels she should have it, he will do it- she comes tomorrow. She cried, and whined through her pT today. I am constantly saying to please use your words, and stop whining/crying through every conversation. I keep asking why the need for all the whining- she is not in any pain. She said today that she feels sorry for herself. So, I said, this is all up to you. You need to get out of that chair, come upstairs, and stop all this. Nurse says her vitals are fine- nothing wrong. My vitals are not- when I take my blood pressure, it is sometimes good, and most times not. I get that heart symbol saying I have an irregular heart beat. No matter what I do, I can’t get her out of that chair, to stop crying, or get into the shower. Heather has been here 3 times this week to shower her, and so far, no go. the kids were here last night for Halloween, and she whined through their visit too. Steph kept asking her why she is acting like this.
      You know, Tillie has is pretty good here. Everything is done for her. All she has to do is take care of herself, make her breakfast, and eat any snack she wants. dinner is made for her. grandchildren visit her, and do her nails and eyebrows, and even have one of their friends cut her hair. She had no idea how very lucky she is, and she is completely miserable. there is nothing I can do. When i reminded her it was Halloween, here was her answer….”not for me”. Ok.
      So, I ahve decided not to be a prisoner in my own home. I will be goign out with my friends for lunch, and GAry and I need to get out of here too. It was our anniversary, and I was afraid to leave her alone. I need to get over that, as this is going to go on for a long, long time, and my life is going by too. We are not getting any younger, and I could die before my mother. Only God knows who will go first. I have to get over the guilty feeling on leaving her alone for a couple of hours.
      Sorry for complaining. I am just done today. This is exhausting.
      The roofer was supposed to come today, to check on where the leak is in the living room- cathedral ceiling. he did nto show, and there is another big storm coming. I hope it will nto leak until he gets here to fix it. So, I called to ask where he was, and found out he had been at the doctor,and his kidney cancer returned. I told his cousin how sorry I was, and not to worry about not being here today. Now, THAT man should feel sorry for himself.
      I am so glad yo get to enjoy little Colin viz the skype. they grow so fast, and to see them gives us all joy. Aizen’s visit last night made my day. i thanked God he came to trick or treat. He made me smile, and laugh. God bless the little ones who bring us so much joy.
      hope your night is good.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG, DD!
      you made me laugh so hard, and I needed that tonight. I was a little down. You can probably tell from my post to BArbara.
      So he better start staying….the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming…..LOL I think I will stay up as long as I can on Tuesday to see what happens. I hope ” We the people” make our voices known.
      Do you believe it is about 3 weeks to Thanksgiving? I will have to wash the pretty glasses after I put away all the Halloween stuff. I intend to put all away by Monday. I will take my time, so I do nto stress my shoulder and back.
      I hope you can eat your holiday dinners with Critt, so you will not be alone. I hate thinking of you alone on a holiday. I am saying an extra prayer for you to have company on the holidays to laugh, and joke with.
      One more night to Blue Bloods……
      PS we are getting rain and wind storms too. stay safe!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Love the pumpkin pic, DD!!!

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