Quacker Fun Fall-O-Ween Ideas! Easy craft and recipe ideas from Quackers like you!

The Head Quack, Jeanne Bice, loved to decorate her house–inside and out, and every room therein–for the holidays and seasons. Fall, Halloween, and the weeks leading to Thanksgiving were special favorites. So many ideas! So many ways to be creative! Recipes! Decorations for the home! (And, of course, for Fashion!)

That led her to create the concept of ‘Fall-O-Ween’..which has become an official season at Quacker Factory!

This week we want to share some of the many ideas that Quackers like you have created for their homes and for friends. They are easy…fun…and so festive we know you’ll enjoy using these directions and starting your own traditions for years to come.

So take a look…click on the below pictures…and you’ll find the directions to make this Fall-O-Ween the most fun ever!

PS: Don’t forget to check out the Quacker Fall-O-Ween Fashion Collection too!

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By |2019-10-24T15:30:24-04:00October 23rd, 2019|Crafts, Fall-O-Ween, Fridays @ The Factory, Recipe|0 Comments

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