Peach and Almond Cookies2022-03-31T09:40:11-04:00

Home Forums Recipes Peach and Almond Cookies

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    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 327

      Peach and Almond Cookies Recipe

      Freeze dried fruit makes these wonderfully flavorful. I am really enjoying trying all different types of freeze dried Fruits in many recipes.


      • 2 c. All Purpose Flour
      • 1 c. Almond Flour
      • 1/4 tsp. salt
      • 3/4 tsp. Backing Soda
      • 1/4 tsp Baking powder
      • 1 3/4c. Sugar
      • 1 c. Freeze Dried Peaches
      • 1 c. Butter Softened
      • 1 large Egg
      • 1 Large Egg Yolk
      • 1 1/2 tsp. Vanilla
      • ½ tsp. Peach Extract or ¼ tsp Almond Extract
      • 1/2 c. Sliced Almonds


      • Preheat oven to 350.
      • Mix the first 5, Dry ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
      • In a food processor or blender add the Freeze Dried Peaches and 1 c. of the sugar. Process until a fine powder. Add the remaining sugar and pulse to mix. Reserve about 2 ½ Tbsp of the Sugar/ Peach mix in a bowl. ( to dip cookies in before baking.)
      • Beat butter, the peach/ sugar mix and one egg until fluffy. Add the second egg and extracts until blended.
      • On low beat in Flour mix until just incorporated.
      • Scoop 1 Tbsp ball of dough. Dip one side in the reserved 2 ½ Tbsp of Peach/Sugar. Place (sugar side up) on parchment lined baking sheet. Press down lightly to make a coin shape. Sprinkle with a few almonds. Repeat , spacing about 1” apart.
      • Bake 10-12 mins until lightly browned on edges. Cool and Eat.

      “Angel gave me a Beautiful Set of Spring Floral Plates. See the Lily plate here, it inspired these Taste of Spring Cookies!! Thanks, Angel!!!”


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