

  • Christine wrote on CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD's Wall 7 years, 8 months ago

    @christine-angela-brailsford Hi,Christine. Sure hope you start to feel better soon and can get to the Dr! Scott told me today that he had a headache and a fever and threw up. So I think he must have the flu. Please keep up the prayers! Today we had a community outreach at our church. It went well, dad gave wagon rides and they had games and food and a dunk tank. I dunked one of my old boyfriends lol! Dunked him twice! Lol! When he saw me, he said, Now I’m in for it! Lol! His wife saw too! Lol! Everyone got a good laugh out of it! My asthma is ok right now. I think the allergy medicine with the decongestant is helping. Patch is really up to no good! He’s quite the rascal! I also hope your foot feels better soon, too. I gotta take a shower and get ready for bed. It has been cooler out, but will turn hot this week😞Quack Quack Hug Hug! Christine

    • Hi Christine
      Thank you so much for your mail, appreciate it so much, sorry to hear scott was sick, how awful for him, i pray for him every day and will continue to do so every day, extra prayers coming he’s way, say to him get well soon from us here and that we are thinking of him, sounds like you had fun at that community outreach at your church, wow you dunked one of your ex boyfriends! hope you dunked him realy well!! sounds like you had fun anyway, its been raining here today, which was much needed, I’m still not feeling too good, my stomache feels like ive been punched in the stomache and i have lower back pain, kidney i think, ive continued to drink cranberry juice and plenty of fluids, but feel sicky today too, patch started barking last night, well it was my neighbours fault, he had a sainsburys delivery last night at 9.45pm and the man in the delivery van kept making a hell of a noise when he closed the van up, i kept thinking my neighbour would knock at the door to complain about the barking, but he didn’t, thank goodness for that, we had to have an early night as stewart had to be up for 2.30am this morning and i was up at 2am to let patch outside and crate him up then get back to bed till 7.30am, i did ironing before going downstairs to see to patch again, put him outside, fed him, did training with him, played ball with him, watched some things i recorded off the tv, our x factor started last night, they show the auditions first then it goes to bootcamp then they chose who is going to be on the show, that show has been going for years now, some people just go to the auditions for their few minutes of fame, they are useless, they had one guy on there and he sang crouching down all the time, and just kept repeating piano, piano, piano, the judges found it hard to get him to leave, they called security in the end!! our big brother finished friday it was a celebrity one, some guy called bear on it won, he did not deserve to win though, he destroyed peoples things in there, broke mirrors, doors, threw food all over the house , was rude etc, he won though, but people dont like him and he’s annoyed over it, he had a girlfriend on the outside and he got with some girl in there, she was in the playboy mansion in the usa, they ended up getting it together in there and you could hear them in the bathroom/toilet having sex, it was terrible, she got booted off the show by the public and he had a girlfriend on the outside whom he was seeing before he went on the show, well they had a task to do him and the other housemates in there and they brought in this girlfriend of he’s that he had on the outside and she gave him what for, saying he humiliated her and her family, she had to watch overnight her so called boyfriend getting off with this cloe girl, she told him its over between us, he did not say anything, just shrugged he’s shoulders thats it, how rude is that, terrible, i blame the show for him behaving like that, he should of been kicked off the show!! I’m pleased it has cooled down there now, its like here, but guess it will get hotter here and there, are you watching any of the quacker shows there? i tend to record them when they come on here and just watch them, dont always buy, like i said i tend to buy tops when they are in clearance, it does not bother me how old they are when i buy them on clearance, sometimes they go on clearance not long after they are first brought out ! anyway best go and mail colleen and see to dinner, you take care my friend hugs to you, you are in my prayers as are scott and the family there christine