

  • Christine wrote on CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD's Wall 7 years, 8 months ago

    @christine-angela-brailsford Hi Christine. I will post those pics as soon as I can. Yes,we do sometimes call purses bags. In some areas, they call them pocket books! But, I think that’s mostly the older women. We call what you would call a purse a wallet. I know, it’s weird that we call things differently! I hope Patch isn’t sick. You should definitely keep an eye on him. Went to different stores today with mom after church, they are already getting Holloween stuff out! I love Jack O’Lanterns. I have so many already, but this one store we went into called Home Goods, had all kinds! If I had the money, I’d buy them all! Lol! I also got yarn at a different store for 1.99 a piece,where as at Wal-Mart, it’s 3.98 for the exact same thing! They had different colors,too which was good. Scott had a headache today. Thank you for praying for him and us, we need it! It’s cooler out now, so it’s really nice temperature wise. I’ll Quack at you later! Quack Quack Hug Hug! Christine

    • Hi Christine,
      Thank you so much for your lovely mail, i hope your ear is ok now and you are feeling much better, I’m not feeling that great right now, think ive got a uti infection, tried calling the drs no appointments to be had, so just been drinking lots, its hard to get drs appointments and with no internet access to their website its frustrating , we do have a walk in surgery that is open from 8.30am-10am, but its about 5 miles from here, and with stewart doing the early shifts the last few days i cannot go there, there is a bus, but it means walking to town for it, and i just do not feel like walking to town right now with my foot problems too, I’m drinking plenty of fluids though, that beef shin we had yesterday was realy good, i froze the rest of it up , I’m doing half of a jerk chicken tonight, its in the oven now cooking, takes an hour to cook, doing roast potatoes with it and mix veg and chicken gravy, patch is ok now, back to he’s normal rascal self!! last night he tore off some wallpaper by the back door, i quickly got the filler and filled it in and put some planks of wood there to keep him away from it! ive got to paint over the filler the next few days, but i dont realy feel like it now though, its been raining in the night here but the suns out now, wow you sure got a bargain with that yarn, we got a pound shop here, its realy cheap everything £1, we go there for cereals , patches bonio biscuits and other bits, i found a cheap shop that sells stuff cheap they got toilet rolls in there, toothpaste, coffee etc cheaper than the supermarkets, so get that stuff in there, plus we go to aldis, they had a refit in there they reopened last week, the problem is they changed everything around now, so we had to spend longer in there to find what we wanted to get!, i got a jack o lantern, colleen bought me one when we went there a few years ago, we dont realy celebrate halloween, they have been revealing who is going to be on our strictly come dancing this year, that singer will young is on there this year, some guy who was commentating at the olympics, some young gymnast who was at the olympics too, some judge who is on our tv called judge rinder is taking part, I’m going to apply for tickets to go to the live shows this year, i apply every year, did get lucky not last year the year before and we went, it was realy good, we had seats at the back of the judges up high, so we got a good view plus they had several tv monitors hanging from the ceiling so you could see the dancing on the dance floor, plus we were right near where the celebrities go after they dance, so saw them close up, not done much today, sorry scott had a headache , still praying hard for him and you and your family, anyway you take care now, hugs to you my friend christine