

  • Christine wrote on CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD's Wall 7 years, 9 months ago

    @christine-angela-brailsford Hi,Christine. Thanks for your prayers, friendship, and mail. Scott went out looking for work again today. I am proud of him for that, too. I tell him all the time. I don’t think he hears that from his mom very much. My left ear still hurts. And the left side of my throat hurts,too. Emailed the nurse yesterday, and never heard back, so will just have to call tomorrow. Watching the Olympics right now. Will take a shower, and try to avoid water in my ears! And go to bed. Hope your weather gets cooler. Supposed to storm this week, then get cooler. Hope your foot feels better soon. Quack Quack Hug Hug! Christine

    • Hi Christine
      Thank you so much for your lovely mail to me, your friendship, prayers too, I’m pleased scott is out looking for work, wander why he’s mom does not say she is proud of him for looking for work? she should do, he’s trying so hard to find work and doing other things to keep himself occupied, i do hope that nurse gets back to you, or else phone her like you said, i sure hope you and scott can be together on your birthday, even just for a few hours, better than not spending it with him at all, its hot here again today, so hot, ive got all the curtains drawn downstairs to try and keep it cool, i did water the plants this morning and will do it again later today, we had a quacker show on this morning, i did record it, got one on this afternoon around 5pm i think it is, I’m recording it too, just to see what they have on the show,not that I’m buying anything this time around, stewarts working late tonight, ive asked him to stop by the store today on he’s way home to get some milk, guess he will get more than milk though, always does, if i ask him to get milk, he will get it and something else i did not ask for like choc bars or something like that and say it was a bargain!!, ive watched some of the olympics, its all cycling, gymnastics, etc now, tennis is over with, i love to watch the gymnastics though, the u s a are leading the medals table though, with england second, we are doing much better than we have in previous olympics though, when you take a shower wear a shower cap on your head saves the water getting in your ears, sorry to hear your left ear hurts still and the throat too, praying for you there though and for scott and your whole family too, ive not done that much today, did laundry, got the bins in once they had been emptied, watered the plants, watched some tv, had lunch, just had a corn beef sandwich and crisps today, going to do sausages for dinner tonight, patch is still the rascal! he rolled in something today when stewart walked him, so washed him down when they got home from their walk, anyway best go and mail colleen now and do the birthdays, you take care now my friend hugs from me to you christine