

  • Jennifer DRIVER wrote on CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD's Wall 7 years, 10 months ago
    • hi Jennifer, you are more than welcome to the birthday greetings, hope you had or have a lovely birthday, i tend to do the birthdays in advance to get them out of the way and done! as i sometimes get so busy here and dont always get the time to do them each day, i tend to do them all in one go, even the ones that do not have birthdays for another week or so, sorry if that happened to you, hope you are having a lovely day there today, its not bad here in england today, sunny, i did ironing earlier on today, my partner is on the late shift today, so he’s not home untill around 10.30pm tonight, he’s off tomorrow and tuesday though, shopping for us tomorrow and on tuesday I’m having he’s parents over for a meal for their anniversary, take care hugs you you quacker friend christine