

  • Mary G Borjas wrote on CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD's Wall 7 years, 2 months ago

    @christine-angela-brailsford Hi Christine, Thank you for the great update! I would love to visit Wales. You are fortunate to be so close. I have Welsh in my heritage, but have never did any geneology testing to check for who they are. I am sorry to hear about your foot. I know that Skechers are very comfortable for your feet. Also, there is a brand called VIONIC that they sell on QVC that keeps the foot supported and aligned correctly. I also love to shop for Quacker when things are on clearance. A good sale or special IS hard to pass up. I purchased a couple Cuddl Dud items, too; they are SO comfortable! My Mom just passed away on January 4th so I have been grieving her loss, but also I am JOYFUL for she is happy in Heaven.
    Please enjoy your holiday trips. Blessings and hugs back to you! Mary B

    • Hi Mary,
      Thank you so very much for your mail to me, appreciate it so much, sorry to hear about your mom, she must of been a wonderfull mom to you, I still grieve the loss of old dog charlie, he had to be put to sleep september 2013, we were on holiday at the time in Missouri visiting Colleen and Ron, charlie had cushions disease, he had tablets for it, its to do with hormones and he had to have regular blood tests, well we went away on holiday and he was in kennels they gave him hes tablet and an hour later checked on him and hes breather was laboured so they rushed him to the vets, we got a call at colleens by stewarts father who had been informed by the vets to get in touch with them, but we just could not get to call them, so I just finished e mailing them and asking them to call me at colleens house and i would pay for the telephone call upon my return to England and the vets phoned me at colleens house, stewarts dad gave them the number, they told me charlie was very ill, they had x rayed him and found tumour on hes liver and given him oxygen and they could not operate as he was old he was 12 and a half, with that i passed the phone to stewart who talked to the vet and they said they would call back in an hour or so , which they did, stewart took the call , he was on the phone a long time, then he told me he was so sorry that hes asked the vet to put charlie to sleep, he was not eating,drinking, hes body was shutting down he vet told stewart, i felt awful, my dog needed me and i was not there, that was only the start of our holiday there, i had to go home and find an empty basket at home, no charlie, we went to the vets to pay the bill and they made arrangements to get charlie collected by another company as we wanted charlie cremated, ive made a memorial garden in our back garden and scattered some of charlies ashes there, ive put in rose plants and other plants, i did have some memorial ornaments on hes garden, but patch just grabbed them, so ive put them in our patio house for now, i do cry now and again for my charlie, we used to take him on holiday to wales with us too, so got some of hes ashes scattered in wales too, we did adopt a dog over a year later but it did not work out, that dog bit me and he hated other dogs, it was a terrier dog we adopted, we have a springer spaniel dog now, patch, hes 2 now, had him from 8 wks old, hes a rascal though, hes still at the chewing stage! so got all wired covered up with wood, he bites into walls too, ive got to cover them up where he bites them, he also unplugs sockets, ive had to cover up the plug socket where my freezer is plugged into ! i have heard about vionic shoes, they sell them on our q v c and was thinking next time i get trainers to get some of that brand, see what they are like, its warm here today, tomorrow ive got to see the foot consultant, doubt if he will offer anymore to be honest, ive had injections, physio therapy, insoles, nothing has helped so far, ive had this nearly 2 yrs now, i wear this boot thing at night, that helps for around a hour or so when i get up, ive been wearing the insoles ive had made for me, but after a few hours they kill my foot, so i have to remove them from my shoes! i have to get things done here too, so have to be on my feet, luckily stewart walks patch for me, which helps a great deal, wales is a lovely place, so peaceful but they do get a lot of rain there, we normally go in may, they say may is going to be a heatwave month here, just hope it is! im so sorry to hear about your mom again, my mum lives many miles away from me, but she dont care about me to be honest, she has been married four times, i phone her now and again but she always makes excuses to get off the telephone, but i do try my best with my family, most turned against me when i left my ex husband , well i suffered over 20 yrs of abuse from him, i put up with it for the sake of my children and now they have turned against me too, they sided with thier father, so ive made a life for myself now, met stewart in 2003, we moved into gather in 2006, i exchanged my house i had to move here to be with stewart, he works at the local airport here in the world duty free shop, hes a whiskey and wine specialist, dont like the hours he works but its a job though, he does 2 days 4am-1pm, 2 days 12 mid day to 9pm then has 2 days off, he comes shopping with me on hes first day off, i dont drive , he does, hes just had this week off using up holiday from last year from work, its our mothers day here on the 26th, i know yours is may, i call colleen my adopted mom, she is more of a mom to me than my real mom, not been over there to see here for a few years, it costs so much money in air fares, and its 2 flights there, 2 flights back, no direct flight from London to Missouri, I wish i won the lottery then would be there in a flash to see her, anyway you take care now, im always here for you anytime and enjoy your mails you mail to me , hugs to you my dear friend