• CHRISTINE ANGELA BRAILSFORD posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Happy birthday Judith for the 25th June, have a blessed and happy day today and may all your birthday wishes all come true for you today!

    • Hey Christine!
      Thank you so much for the birthday wishes … I really appreciate them. I had a good day!,❤️

    • Hi Judith, you are more than welcome to the birthday wishes I sent to you, pleased you had a good day, wish this corona virus would go away and we could all get back to some normality, but I do not think life will ever be the same as it was before for any of us, Ive had to shield since March as Im venerable to catch the corona virus if I go out, but I did go to my fathers funeral in may, was not missing that, its not a nice day here in England today, keeps raining on and off, but its been hot most of this past week here, too hot for my liking, so nice its cooled down, hope you are ok there , stay safe, look after yourself , Christine