Why Kids Today Do Not Get Married But Still Have Kids2015-09-01T02:10:21-04:00

Home Forums General Quacker Chatter Why Kids Today Do Not Get Married But Still Have Kids

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    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hey Guys,

      I know there has been some talk about kids and grand-kids these days and not getting married but still still living together and having kids. This is what they are doing. (My sister’s daughter is doing this) My sister has a middle daughter that refuses to get married. She just had baby number three. Her boyfriend bought a house, and he lists HIS mom’s address for where he lives and has all HIS bills sent there. He lives with my niece.. SHE gets $900 of her “rent” paid by Section 8, $600 worth of food stamps a month, FREE college education worth $6000 a year, Obama care for the kids FREE, and she claims two kids, and he claims one on their taxes and they each get $1800 tax credit a piece because he is listed as livng elsewhere.. SHE works under the table for someone making $1400 a month, AND she gets $1800 a MONTH because she is on a disability clause for being “sick” and NOT working, but she is…under the table, AND A FREE CELL PHONE to boot. Talk about shirking the system. I have MS and have to decide whether to pay for my drugs or buy groceries these days. This is why I had to cut back on everything. My MS drugs QUADRUPLED. And now when I have t have all these numerous MRI’s and blood work, I have to come up with 20% of EACH study, even though I met MY yearly deductable…so I can cover the cost for the NEW OBAMA CARE. Lets just say I’ve learned the “F” word in THIRTY languages now………. I have written to my Congressman, Senator and the dude in the White House about it all. I didn’t name names.


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