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adele shanbar
Post count: 5025

Hey Gailster
Yes the food is very limited. It’s awful. I scared myself too. I thought I was dying
When the EMT’s picked me up I told them…. Please don’t let me die. My daughter died last year and they will all fall apart if I’m gone …..
It was bad. Of all the things I endured over the years this pain was the worst. I even lost consciousness. I have no memory of the first two days in the hospital.
They are leaning toward years of arthritis meds causing the liver damage. Not sure about the spleen. Accept I know it is still swollen because both my sides hurt to the touch.
They did a lot of blood work yesterday.
It is still gloomy up here. I hope the sun comes out cause it makes you so achy and down
Attaching pic of flowers my SIL sent yesterday
Luv all of you