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adele shanbar
Post count: 5025

Hey everyone
I’m alive. There were a couple of days I felt not for long! I associate sick. Sat amI told Gary to dial 911. I was admitted. Many tests later , uti, enlarged spleen, liver elevated, a spot of diviticuli in my stomach, and an ulcer.
I can tell you that an ulcer is something you ever want.
I was pretty miserable. Constant pain. Still having pain. It hurts when the stomach is empty, and every bite I eat
With the new list of things I can eat it is very discouraging. No salads no fruit accept cantaloupe banana honeydew melon
Hardly any veggies and they have to be cooked well
I was happy to read you all had some fun on the holiday!
Colleen, when is baby coming? They are such a joy
Gail hanks for telling everyone. I was afraid you all thought the worst. I was so weak I could not text , talk or stay awake
It was an awful time getting in the Jeep. My fireman neighbor got me out of the Jeep and in the house
DD so glad you have been getting out! I hope your weather cooperates for more
Please all of you take care of yourselves. Stay healthy!!
Luv. Adele