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Dianne Danielson
Post count: 1034

HI Ladies,
Sorry I haven’t been on here for awhile. Nothing to talk about really. I think we made up for the lack of rain. We had a “firehose” of a rain storm blow through here late yesterday & it continued today. I think more rain is on the way. But we desperately needed it. We got a flood warning for some areas aroung the area. Low lying areas. I’m in no danger of flooding. I’m fine. We didn’t even get to 60 today.
I’m still getting my fall decor put out. I’m getting slower all the time. I think I over whelm myself at times.
Hallie’s out of the hospital & out & about. Her voice is still raspy from the intubation tube. I think she does too much too soon. She went back to the ER over the weekend, but left before being seen.
Well, I guess that’s all for tonight.