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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi Adele,
Greys doesn’t start until this week. Do you watch Station 19 too? I don’t even though there seems to be a lot of cross over stories with Grey’s and them I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything by not watching as i can still follow the story lines.
yes, that’s probably why I don’t like Meredith-I can never unforget the time when she was whining to Mc Dreamy pick me chose me-I thought that was very un 21st century woman. lol I felt like she put women’s lib back 30 years by doing that. Also she is kind of a self righteous know it all.
I wonder if she will have a romance with the Irish doctor now that DeLucca is gone even though i never expected that she and DeLucca would last anyway.
If doctor’s keep leaving the show they will have a shortage. lol
I hope Maggie and her husband stay together without a lot of drama and angst. Especially since it looks like Amelia and Linc might split. I’ve always liked Amelia but she is sure self destructive-she needs to get out of her own way. I actually liked Amelia and Qwen together even though I knew it wouldn’t work-not crazy about Owen’s present love Teddi especially after she and Koracik were doing the deed while Owen was waiting for her to show up for their wedding.
Did you say that you had heard from Colleen? I was wondering because she has not been on here for awhile.
I hope that you are feeling better.