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Dianne Danielson
Post count: 1034

HI Ladies,
I talked with Hallie today. She called me from her hospital room. She’s out of ICU now. Her voice is pretty bad from the intubation. She has to have pt since being in bed for so many days. they tried to get her up & she wasn’t able to stand up. I hope they get her the equipment she needs to keep breathing!! If she’d had it to begin with she wouldn’t have had to be in the ICU for more than a week.
so, anyway, there’s a QF show next week for fall again. Gail, I’m gonna have to look up your email address again & I can forward it to you.
We had some more showers today. it’s feels so good & the air smells so clean now. I haven’t heard how it’s effecting the fires tho..the cooler temps alone should be helping the firefighters.
Not much going on here.
Take care, stay safe.