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Hi Gail,
Thank-you for letting us know about Adele. I wonder what is wrong. I agree with DD she has not been feeling well at all for awhile. I hope that she gets better soon and does not have to stay in the hospital for long. She has had a lot going on this year.
We went to the Labor day picnic on Labor Day and had a really good time. Danyielle Kevin and the kids came also. We had such a good time. I challenged Owen at darts and I won. He said he can’t believe that his grandma beat him at darts. It was funny. He did not think that I could beat him because I am a grandma. lol
We are getting excited about the baby. I wish that she would get here soon. I want to see what she looks like and how Grayson will act when he sees her. I figure at first that he will be really jealous he has been the baby for so long.
well that is about all from here. Please keep us posted about Adele. Have a great night and stay safe.