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Post count: 3077

Hi DD,
I am glad that you and Gail are doing ok. I just wish I could get rid of this stuff. I have taken musniex for this the last time that I had it. It took care of it for awhile but it came back. I just have to see the specialist and will be glad when that is over.
I am sorry to hear that you are going to have another heat wave. We are cooling down a little and I am glad of that. I want to go to the picnic over the week-end. It is usually a lot of fun and they will play music and have booths there. I just hope that they have the same ones that were there a couple of years ago. They had a lot of interesting things. I hope the girl that made baby clothes will be there again this year. I would like to have some for the new baby that is coming in October.
I love all the pictures that you posted. The fall colors are all so pretty. I hope that ours will be that pretty this fall. It has really been a dry summer so the trees did not get enough rain.
Well that is all from here. Have a great night and stay safe.