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Post count: 3077

Hi Gail,
I cannot believe that humming birds can fly as far as they do. They are so small and are afraid of wasps. I just founf that interesting that a wasp as small as they are can kill a bird like that.
I read both books that you mentioned. I also saw the movie and it was really good. I like the books Fannie Flagg writes. They are really good. I have a book by Agatha Christie that my sil wants me to read. So I guess that I will read that one next. I have a few books that I want to read. I need to get them read. I get stuck on a series when I read them. I was like that with the Harry Potter books also.
It is a new book club .lol I cannot believe that I wrote that. I have not idea what I was thinking. Probably thinking of writing book and put the wrong letter in the end. You were the one who told me about your Book Bub. I was glad that I got on that site.
None of my girls read any more. It was funny when I was reading Harry Potter the grands wanted to talk about that. It was funny the older kids all read the series. Just the littlest ones have not read it.
I just hope the doctor get this all figured out and I can quit getting dizzy. Have a good evening and stay safe.