Bice Bacon Wraps2021-10-27T10:51:01-04:00

Home Forums Recipes Bice Bacon Wraps

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    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 327

      Bice Bacon Wraps Recipe


      • Bacon
      • Breadsticks- 6 inches long or soda crackers


      • Preheat oven to 425 degrees. You decide how many bacon wraps you need for your crowd; just make sure that you have the same amount of bacon slices as you do breadsticks. Another alternative is to use soda crackers. But, again, equal parts of each!

      • Let the bacon sit out until it is room temperature– this makes it much easier to wrap. Don’t cut the bacon in half. Use one full piece per breadstick. The best breadsticks to use are regular, plain old breadsticks (not too thick, not too thin).

      • Using one piece of bacon per breadstick, start at the bottom of the breadstick and wrap the breadstick with the bacon, covering as much as possible. Continue corkscrewing the bacon around the breadstick.

      • Lay the bacon wraps on a jelly roll pan, close together, but don’t use a rack: they need to cook in the grease to get the flavor.

      • Bake at 425 degrees until they are crispy, turning once along the way. Make sure and watch them, because they cook quickly!! When they are done, lay them out on paper towels to drain.

      • Quacky tip!!!! You can make these ahead of time and freeze. They last for months in the freezer and are great if you need something quickly! All you’ll need to do is take them out of the freezer and reheat.

      Enjoy 🙂

      Recipe by Jeanne Bice

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