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Dianne Danielson
Post count: 1034

Hi Ladies,
Colleen, I’m sorry to hear about your brother. I’ll keep him in my prao yers. You must be reeling from the news. I know it came as quite a shock when we were told mama had breast cancer. It was like getting hit with a 2X4. My world was turned upside down. I hope & pray they find something that will work.
Boy the days are sure getting shorter all the time. Dark by 7:30 now. It feels like midnight so early now.
It appears snowball’s fur is coming in thicker. That’s a sign of a cold winter.
We had a dry day today but the rain is coming back tomorrow.
I hope everyone was able to watch the QF show yesterday. it was too early for me. Besides, I can’t afford it anymore.
Well that’s all for tonight.
Take care, stay safe.