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Dianne Danielson
Post count: 1034

Hi Ladies,
I hope you all caught the QF show today. I loved several of the tops but they’re too expensive. Some were sold out before I got a good look at them. There was a sweater/jacket with cats on it & it sold out before the presentation. I like Mary as the host of the show. She was great for the Falloween show. she really gets into it.
It was a gorgeous early fall day today. After all the rain we got over the weekend, (over an inch & a half) the clouds parted & was a lovely day. It;s gonna be getting warmer the next couple of days, but cools down from Wed. on. I’ve pulled out my cooler weather clothes & put most of my summer stuff away. I’ve left some out just in case.
I see they’re having ” The joy of Christmas” sale for the next 3 days on the Q. I’ll have it on in the background while working around the house.
Well, no big news on Hallie. she’s still in ICU.
The full moon is gorgeous tonight. We got a clear view of it tonight.
Take care, stay safe.