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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi Everyone,
Adele, I hope that you are progressing well. The flowers from your neighbor are so pretty. I love sunflowers and fall arrangements.
Colleen, Grayson and the new baby will be pretty close in age so when she gets bigger I’ll bet they play together a lot.
Will the father be in the delivery room with Brook-if not will someone else be there? I surely hope so.
DD it’s good to know that you and Hallie are getting out.
My life is pretty boring since we still are not going out much and doing things.
We did go to a concert in our little local place last weekend. It’s nice to get out and see other people.
They were supposed to have moved the Milk Day parade from June to October but I doubt they will be having it at all again this year. I just don’t think this town is ready for the crowds that this event draws in. If they are going to cancel it they should announce it soon.
It amazes me when I see all the football stadiums packed full.
I see Broadway opened last night but I think you need proof of vaccination to attend unless you are a young person-but i am not sure if those are the rules-I am just assuming they would be.
The announcement of who wins AGT is tonight-I usually have a strong feeling of who will win but this year I am not sure at all. They need to have all these finales this week as next week the fall programs will start including The Voice, DWTS and The masked Singer and another singing show with people singing as their avatars. I think I will pass on that one. It’s just too many competition shows to watch at one time. Along with all the Halloween baking competitions that I like to watch on the food network. I would need to take up full time TV watching. lol