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adele shanbar
Post count: 5025

Hi everyone
I’ll make this quick cause I’m still sick. On antibiotic. Had awful pains in both sides of my back, aches all over, fever went up to 102.5, blood pressure dipped to 81/44, earache. It’s been a real hoot up here. Urine test negative but culture questionable. Dr said I’m fighting off something. Said symptoms don’t match up with covid
Colleen , I had that thing in my ear where the crystals moved and I was very dizzy and nauseous. Was not fun. Hope you can get an easy solution
Gailster, sounds like a good plan for next summer I hope it works out for you
I hope you have a good time with Brent!
Also hope everyone has a good time this weekend
Luv all of you…you too DD