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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi Colleen,
The Labor Day picnic sounds like fun. I hope the weather is good. This is the time of year when I prefer to do outdoor stuff as it has cooled down a little. Greg says he thinks all the hummingbirds are gone now-on their way to where ever they go in the winter. maybe Mexico? There were a lot of them the last couple of weeks and now nothing.
I’m glad that you are reading again. I never stopped and have probably read extra during the pandemic. I have only read a few of the first Patrick Taylor’s I still have quite a few to read in the series. i just jump around a lot and am not one of those people who reads a series straight through like some do.
I just recently read Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg and really enjoyed it. Now I have to watch the movie sometime as the women on the QVC book thread said it was good.
I just bought a book about quilters recently because it was set in the Wisconsin Dells which is a place that we are familiar with-I wonder if it is the same book that you are talking about. I will have to find it and see what the name is. I might have seen it on Book Bub-I get a lot of ideas from them and from Bookreporters too. I got a laugh because when you meant to write Book Bub you wrote Book Boob instead and it made me laugh out loud. Good thing I didn’t have a mouth full of coffee! lol
I know what you mean-my Mom and I also used to talk about what we were reading a lot and for years I would think-Oh I have to tell Mom about this book and then remember that she was gone. Fortunately Jenny likes to read and so now I can pass along books to her-although she doesn’t have a lot of time to read she still enjoys it.
The dizzy spells could be caused by something in your ear. I hope that you can get that figured out soon and something can be done to help you. Feeling dizzy is awful.
Stay safe but have fun!