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Hi Gail,
They are going to have the Labor Day picnic this year. We are going and Danyielle and her kids are going well at least Aliza I am not sure about Owen. It will be fun with the kids there. We may pick up Grayson and take him with us and take him along. I do not imagine Brook will be able to come with us she will have to work.
I have started reading again. It seems funny reading books and not being able to talk to mom about them. I read that new Patrick Taylor and it was really good. I have a few more books to read. The next one that I am going to read is about a Library that was closed during the war. It look really good. I saw another book that I want to order about a group of ladies who are quilters. I saw it on boob bub.
I have another ear ache. I cannot believe that I did not get rid of the last one. So now I have to go to a specialist and find out if that is what causing the dizzy spells. This is really tiresome. I guess it is better then having covid.
I hope that you can get Jenny to go up north with you next summer. They will really have a good time. It will be nice for you to go see Brent. I know that you will be really happy to see him.
There is not a lot going on here. Have a great night and stay safe.