Patrick H. Hoy here – and it’s so good to be here with you on ‘National Find A Rainbow Day’!

YES – believe it or not – there really IS a ‘National Find A Rainbow Day’! And of course, here at Quacker Factory, we live by Jeanne Bice’s great advice that:

“Life is a party – so you have to celebrate EVERY day!!”

And what better excuse to celebrate, than a gorgeous, beautiful & VIBRANT rainbow! I’ve always thought that rainbows were one of the most positive creations that God has given to us here on earth – you can’t help but feel upbeat & positive when a rainbow appears on the horizon!

Our theme this year at Quacker Factory is ‘Share It With A Smile’ – and whenever I see a rainbow, I smile from ear to ear – and I want to scream with delight to all of my friends and say: “Do you see it?!?! Do you see that beautiful rainbow over there?!” And of course ,everyone turns their heads quickly to catch a glimpse of all the colors before the rainbow fades away! Sharing that beauty with those you love is amazing!

I remember when I first learned about rainbows in school – do you?! Who else remembers being a young child and learning the order of the colors of the rainbows in science class??

And of course ,the ROYGBIV helped us all remember the correct sequence of the rainbow colors!

Jeanne Bice loved, loved, LOVED rainbows! She loved the excitement of stepping outside her home after a big rainstorm and searching for the rainbow in the sky that always follows every storm. One of my favourite things Jeanne would say about rainbows was this:

Jeanne knew that there would always be ‘storms’ in our personal life’s – but that if just held on and made it through the storms that came our way – that God would reward us with the most beautiful rainbow. She said it was his way of letting us know that we had ‘weathered’ the storm – and that life now was going to begin to be beautiful for us again. What a clever duck she was!!!

Jeanne also taught you that as Quacker sisters, you needed to be there for others when they are experiencing challenging times in their own life’s – because sisters always support each other – in the good – and the bad times. One of Jeanne’s favorite quotes from Maya Angelou was this:

Jeanne used to also remind us of this wonderful quote:

She told us all the time to “Look UP – look FORWARD – and always be GRATEFUL!” And most of all, Jeanne told us to:

And we all know that Jeanne loved to SING. Who can forget on the Quacker Cruise in 2006 the night Jeanne gathered us all around the pool on the Promenade Deck to sing songs under the stars in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. There were hundreds of us singing along with Jeanne, Lee & Tim that night. Most of the songs were from some of Jeanne’s favorite Broadway musicals – but there was one special song we sang that night from one of her all-time favorite Hollywood movies – ‘The Wizard of Oz’ – and that song is probably the most famous song ever about rainbows:

And we all DEFINITELY know that Jeanne really, really, really DID believe that DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE!

So today on ‘National Find A Rainbow Day’ – all of us at Quacker Factory hope that YOUR dreams come true – and we hope that you’re able to find your own rainbows (and hopefully a BIG pot of gold!) not only today – but EVERY day of your life!!!!

Quacker Hugs & RAINBOW Love from across the duck pond!


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By |2019-04-03T11:14:00-04:00April 3rd, 2019|Fridays @ The Factory, Inspirational|2 Comments


  1. Debra Graner April 4, 2019 at 11:14 am - Reply

    Thank you, Patrick!
    So lovely & inspiring

    • Patrick H. Hoy July 24, 2019 at 10:46 am - Reply

      Thank YOU Debra for taking the time to read the Rainbow blog!!!! 🙂

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