Patrick H Hoy here – and it’s so wonderful to be writing to you on National ‘Random Acts Of Kindness’ Day!

I remember years ago when I was younger, that my sweet mother sat me down in the living room and told me: “Patrick, in life, there are those who GIVE – and those who TAKE…make sure that as you go through life, you are one of the GIVERS…and not one of the TAKERS.”

It was some of the best advice Mom has ever given to me.  And who knew that one day there would be a day on our calendar – every year – that was called National ‘Random Acts Of Kindness’ Day?!  (My mother is one smart Quacker!)

And as we all know, Jeanne Bice was also one smart Quacker!  Jeanne LOVED doing random acts of kindness – and not just on one day of the year – but almost EVERY day of the year.

Jeanne made it one of her lifelong missions to always spread love & joy wherever she went – whether she was on air speaking to all of us across the United States & the United Kingdom – or if she was at home.  Very few things brought her as much delight as sharing happiness with others she met.  She loved to surprise friends – and strangers alike!  She loved it when she saw smiles come across the faces of others as a result of something she said or did for them.  And Jeanne knew that even the smallest of kind gestures were just as impactful and fulfilling as bigger gestures.  She told me once that her philosophy on life was very simple – the most important thing that we all needed to remember – and DO – was to:

Some of the ‘little things’ that made Jeanne happy – and which she often did herself were:

  • An unexpected phone call from a friend– just to say “Hello!” or to share a story. She kept a list of friends’ birthdays and always called them on that day.
  • When checking out at the supermarket, she’d let others with only a couple of items go ahead of her.
  • She knew how important it was to listen when people wanted to talk.
  • Jeanne always expressed her gratitude to everyone at QVC – the Hosts, the Assistants, the ‘behind the scenes’ people – EVERYONE. She would congratulate them on events in their lives and she would spread her appreciation.  At big Strategy Meetings, she always gave little gifts & ‘happy’ items to every participant attending to express her appreciation for their help in the coming months.  She really knew that TEAMS make things happen.
  • She would say hello to strangers– and she LOVED it when strangers said hello to her. She would say: “Strangers are friends you haven’t met yet.”  This became a key philosophy at Quacker Factory – and we often heard her say on air: “My Quackers came as customers, they stayed as friends.”  Jeanne was famous for making friends.  She never took a flight to QVC when she didn’t get to know everyone seated near her on the plane.  She wanted to know where they were going, why they were on the plane, etc.  She loved getting to know others – no matter where she was!


And, of course, every time she went on air on QVC, she shared her kindness with each of us – and always had some great advice that made us feel like a million bucks. Some of my favorite advice from her includes these gems:


One of my other favorite quotes about KINDNESS is from the Greek storyteller named Aesop – known for ‘Aesop’s Fables’:


One of the KINDEST things Jeanne ever did for me was asking me to be on her team – it changed my life forever – and it was one of the best things to ever happen in my life – especially because it means that I get to work with the BEST team in the world – including my dear friend Angel!  Angel & I love doing ‘random acts of kindnesses’ with each other throughout the year.  We give each other cards from time to time – and I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve walked into our dressing room before a show and sitting there on the table will be my favorite chocolates – or a scented candle – or some of her homemade cookies.  Those wonderful acts of kindness from her light up my face – and make me beam from ear to ear with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen!  It really IS the smallest of things that we do for others that brightens our days!


And if you were watching both Angel & I on National Quacker Day on QVC on Monday, February 4th, you would have learned that the new Quacker Factory ‘theme’ for 2019 is:

Jeanne always said that it doesn’t take much to show kindness and to make others happy. Sometimes all it takes is just a simple – and heartfelt – SMILE – so our team thought it was appropriate to remember Jeanne – in our 24thyear on QVC – with this theme!  We hope that throughout ALL of 2019, you’ll remember to share – with a smile – your kindness to others.  When you see a post that you love, ‘Share it with a Smile’. When you find a good bargain from Quacker Factory & QVC, ‘Share it with a Smile’.  When you see a video with Angel and/or myself, ‘Share it with a Smile’. We want 2019 to be YOUR year of SHARING & SMILING!

So, my friends, Happy, Happy National ‘Random Acts Of Kindness’ Day to you all!  Go forth today – and EVERY day – and be kind to others.  Share your love with family, friends – and even strangers.  Be the person who makes others happy.  As my mother once told me, be a Giver…and not a Taker – be the person who GIVES love and kindness to the world!

Quacker Hugs & Love (and KINDNESS!) from across the duck pond!



PS– make sure to tune in today– Sunday, February 17th– to QVC2from 5 pm to 7 pm ET to see my kind, loving and beautiful friend Angel for our weekly ‘Sunday Funday’ show!  Just wait until you see all of the great items she’ll be sharing with you – with her beautiful SMILE!


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By |2019-03-14T11:01:14-04:00February 17th, 2019|Fridays @ The Factory|2 Comments


  1. Sue Byler February 17, 2019 at 6:26 pm - Reply

    Your Mother is a wise woman.

  2. Debra Graner February 18, 2019 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    Thanx Patrick! Can’t believe I missed this. Should be everyday, anyway!

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